Sreejith Pallikkara Chandrasekharan, PhD at the Institut FOTON under the supervision of Charles CORNET and Laurent Pedesseau, won a poster prize at the latest EMRS conference (2024 Spring meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), from May 27th to 31st in Strasbourg, France). Congrats Sreejith! He received the prize from Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
At this conference, Sreejith attempted to the Symposium S: Semiconductor Nanostructures towards Optoelectronic and Photonic Device Applications with a contribution entitled: Impact of initial surface passivation on wetting properties analysis during III-V/Si epitaxy.
The presented results have been obtained in the frame of the project ANR NUAGES.

Sreejith Pallikkara Chandrasekharan won a poster prize at the conference EMRS 2024