The concept of “lattice matching” is a true baseline to assemble and interlock perovskite semiconductor materials leading to stable and efficient solar cells. Jacky Even, Professor at INSA Rennes (FOTON Institute – UMR CNRS 6082, CNRS, INSA Rennes, University of Rennes) cosigned with Professor Aditya Mohite (Rice University, USA) the work leading to a publication in the journal Science.

This article in collaboration with Claudine Katan (Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes UMR 6226, CNRS, University of Rennes) crowns the work of the Rennes team Foton/ISCR.

The cover of the Science Journal illustrates the concept of “lattice matching” introduced by Jacky Even, which makes it possible to assemble the different forms of perovskite materials to associate performance and stability. Adding seeds of specifically designed 2D perovskites to the precursors of FAPbI3 leads to efficient and durable FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells.

«Two-dimensional perovskite templates for durable, efficient formamidinium perovskite solar cells »
Published in Science (2024) | DOI: 10.1126/science.abq6993

Jacky Even:

Claudine Katan:

This study was performed in collaboration with Rice University (Houston, USA), Northwestern University (Evanston, USA), Purdue University (West Lafayette, USA), Washington University (Seattle, USA),  University of California (San Diego, USA), Brookhaven National Laboratory, (Upton,  USA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, (Berkeley, USA),  Centrale Lille Institut, Univ. Artois (UMR 8181, CNRS),   Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (UMR 6226, CNRS). This work was financially supported by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through the NMBP Research and Innovation Action (grant agreement no. 861985, project Perocube)

The “lattice matching” concept makes the cover of Science