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139 documents

Articles dans une revue

  • Rodolphe Collin, Thierry Chartier, Pascal Besnard. Numerical investigation of relative intensity noise in frequency-doubled multimode fiber lasers. Optics Communications, 2021, 485, pp.126724. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2020.126724⟩. ⟨hal-03281900⟩
  • Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Kamal Hussain, Thierry Chartier, Stephane Trebaol, et al.. Enhanced Amplitude Noise Tolerance of a Self-Seeded RSOA Laser Using Balanced Detection. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2017, 29 (24), pp.2219-2221. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2017.2771400⟩. ⟨hal-01713943⟩
  • Maxime Baillot, Mathilde Gay, Christophe Peucheret, Michel Joindot, Thierry Chartier. Phase quadrature discrimination based on three-pump four-wave mixing in nonlinear optical fibers. Optics Express, 2016, 24 (23), pp.26930-26941. ⟨10.1364/OE.24.026930⟩. ⟨hal-01461193⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Enguerran Delcourt, Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, Paul Azuelos, et al.. Study of Optimized Coupling Based on Micro-lensed Fibers for Fibers and Photonic Integrated Circuits in the Framework of Telecommunications and Sensing Applications. Communications in Physics, 2016, 26 (4), pp.325-334. ⟨10.15625/0868-3166/26/4/8951⟩. ⟨hal-01609530⟩
  • Arnaud Fernandez, Stéphane Balac, Alain Mugnier, Fabrice Mahé, Rozenn Texier-Picard, et al.. Numerical simulation of incoherent optical wave propagation in nonlinear fibres. European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2013, 64 (2), pp.11. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2013120462⟩. ⟨hal-00797641⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual, et al.. All-optical time-domain demultiplexing of 170.8 Gbit/s signal in chalcogenide GeAsSe microstructured fibre. Electronics Letters, 2013, 49 (2), pp.136-138. ⟨10.1049/el.2012.4104⟩. ⟨hal-00848965⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Kevin Lenglé, Monique Thual, Philippe Rochard, Mathilde Gay, et al.. A non-destructive method to measure coupling and propagation losses in optical guided structures. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2012, 29 (12), pp.3393-3397. ⟨hal-00788772⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, Kevin Lenglé, et al.. Wavelength conversion in a highly nonlinear chalcogenide microstructured fiber. Optics Letters, 2012, 37 (22), pp.4576-4578. ⟨10.1364/OL.37.004576⟩. ⟨hal-00848880⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Gildas Gueguen, David Méchin, Monique Thual, et al.. Numerical method for simultaneous measurement of dispersion and nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers. Optics Communications, 2012, 285 (6), pp.1461-1465. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2011.11.063⟩. ⟨hal-00717311⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Stéphane Blin, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Laurent Provino, et al.. Modal decomposition technique for multimode fibers. Applied optics, 2012, 51 (4), pp.450-456. ⟨10.1364/AO.51.000450⟩. ⟨hal-00711171⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Duc Minh Nguyen, Monique Thual, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, et al.. Efficient four-wave mixing in an ultra-highly nonlinear suspended-core chalcogenide As38Se62 fiber. Optics Express, 2011, 19 (26), pp.B653-B660. ⟨10.1364/OE.19.00B653⟩. ⟨hal-00719543⟩
  • Johann Troles, Quentin Coulombier, G. Canat, M. Duhant, W. Renard, et al.. Low loss microstructured chalcogenide fibers for large non linear effects at 1995 nm.. Optics Express, 2010, Focus Issue: Chalcogenide Glass, 18 (25), pp.26647-26654. ⟨10.1364/OE.18.026647⟩. ⟨hal-00854027⟩
  • Rim Cherif, Amine Ben Salem, Mourad Zghal, Pascal Besnard, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Highly nonlinear As2Se3-based chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber for midinfrared supercontinuum generation. Optical Engineering, 2010, 49 (9), pp.095002. ⟨10.1117/1.3488042⟩. ⟨hal-00608841⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual. Accuracy Improvement in the Measurement of the Non-Linear Coefficient of Optical Fibers Based on Self-Phase Modulation. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 2010, 29 (4), pp.225-238. ⟨10.1080/01468030.2010.490872⟩. ⟨hal-00502906⟩
  • David Mechin, Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Quentin Coulombier, Duc Minh Nguyen, et al.. Next-generation fibers : Chalcogenide photonic-crystal fibers expand nonlinear applications. Laser Focus World, 2010, 46 (5), pp.41-47. ⟨hal-00854446⟩
  • Monique Thual, Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Thierry Chartier, Philippe Rochard, et al.. Recent advances on low loss and highly nonlinear AsSe suspended core photonic crystal optical fibers. Journal of science and technology, 2010, 1 (1), pp.1-13. ⟨hal-00696198⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Kevin Lenglé, David Mechin, Monique Thual, et al.. Demonstration of Nonlinear Effects in an Ultra Highly Nonlinear AsSe Suspended-core Chalcogenide Fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2010, 22 (24), pp.1844-1846. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2010.2088386⟩. ⟨hal-00586717⟩
  • Quentin Coulombier, Laurent Brilland, Patrick Houizot, Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, et al.. Casting method for producing low-loss chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers. Optics Express, 2010, 18 (9), pp.9107-9112. ⟨10.1364/OE.18.009107⟩. ⟨hal-00494022⟩
  • Mathilde Gay, Marcia Costa E Silva, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Bit-Error-Rate Assessment of 170-Gb/s Regeneration Using a Saturable Absorber and a Nonlinear-Fiber-Based Power Limiter. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009, 22 (3), pp.158-160. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2009.2037157⟩. ⟨hal-00472411⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Quang Trung Le, et al.. Self-phase modulation-based 2R regenerator including pulse compression and offset filtering for 42.6 Gbit/s RZ-33% transmission systems. Optics Express, 2009, 17 (20), pp.17747-17757. ⟨10.1364/OE.17.017747⟩. ⟨hal-00419426⟩
  • Julien Fatome, Coraline Fortier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Frederic Smektala, et al.. Linear and Nonlinear Characterizations of Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2009, 27 (11), pp.1707-1715. ⟨10.1109/JLT.2009.2021672⟩. ⟨hal-00429885⟩
  • Nicholas Traynor, Achille Monteville, Laurent Provino, David Landais, Olivier Le Goffic, et al.. Fabrication and Applications of Low Loss Nonlinear Holey Fibers. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 2009, Fiber Optic Research in France (Part III of III), 28 (1), pp.51-59. ⟨10.1080/01468030802272526⟩. ⟨hal-00430322⟩
  • Johann Troles, Laurent Brilland, Frédéric Smektala, Patrick Houizot, Frédéric Désévédavy, et al.. Chalcogenide Microstructured Fibers for Infrared Systems, Elaboration, Modelization, and Characterization. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 2009, 28 (1), pp.11-26. ⟨10.1080/01468030802272500⟩. ⟨hal-00397983⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Patrick Houizot, Frederic Desevedavy, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Interfaces impact on the transmission of chalcogenides photonic crystal fibres. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2008, 116 (1358), pp.1024-1027. ⟨10.2109/jcersj2.116.1024⟩. ⟨hal-00428897⟩
  • Christophe Finot, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Julien Fatome, Stéphane Pitois, et al.. Numerical study of an optical regenerator exploiting self-phase modulation and spectral offset filtering at 40 Gbit/s. Optics Communications, 2008, 281 (8), pp.2252-2264. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2007.12.010⟩. ⟨hal-00429627⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Pascal Besnard, Monique Thual, L. Provino, et al.. Simultaneous measurement of anomalous group velocity dispersion and nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers using soliton effect compression. Optics Communications, 2007, Vol.278 (Issue 1), pp.60-65. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2007.05.036⟩. ⟨hal-00264790⟩
  • Jenny Le Person, Frédéric Smektala, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Brillant, Thierry Jouan, et al.. Light guidance in new chalcogenide holey fibres from GeGaSbS glass. Materials Research Bulletin, 2006, 41 (7), pp.1303-1309. ⟨10.1016/j.materresbull.2006.01.007⟩. ⟨hal-00084551⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Claude Simon, et al.. Noise reduction in 2R-regeneration technique utilizing self-phase modulation and filtering. Optics Express, 2006, Vol.14 (Issue 5), pp.1737-1747. ⟨hal-00079831⟩
  • Laurent Brillant, Frédéric Smektala, Gilles Renversez, Thierry Chartier, Johann Troles, et al.. Fabrication of complex structures of Holey Fibers in Chalcogenide glass.. Optics Express, 2006, 14 (3), pp.1280-5. ⟨10.1364/OE.14.001280⟩. ⟨hal-00080264⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Adrian Mihaescu, Gilles Martel, Ammar Hideur, François Sanchez. Multiwavelength fiber laser with an intracavity polarizer. Optics Communications, 2005, 253 (4-6), pp.352-361. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2005.04.077⟩. ⟨hal-00086249⟩
  • Ambre Peyrilloux, Thierry Chartier, Ammar Hideur, Laurent Berthelot, Gilles Mélin, et al.. Theoretical and experimental study of the birefringence of a photonic crystal fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2003, 21 (2), pp.536-539. ⟨hal-01289282⟩
  • Hervé Leblond, Mohamed Salhi, Ammar Hideur, Thierry Chartier, Marc Brunel, et al.. Experimental and theoretical study of the passively mode-locked Ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laser. Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2002, 65, pp.063811. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevA.65.063811⟩. ⟨hal-00003091⟩

Communications dans un congrès

  • Thomas Le Beux, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, Mathilde Gay, Sébastien Lobo, et al.. Coherent Beam Combining of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed channels at 10 Gbit/s. ECOC 2024, Sep 2024, Francfort, Germany. pp.Tu4C.5. ⟨hal-04963466⟩
  • Thomas Le Beux, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, Anne Durecu, Mathilde Gay, et al.. Transmission d’un signal télécom multiplexé en longueur d’onde dans un système de combinaison cohérente à 2 voies. SFO Optique Normandie 2024, Jul 2024, Rouen, France. ⟨hal-04923465⟩
  • Simon Le Méhauté, Loïc Bodiou, Xavier Insou, Joël Charrier, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Spectroscopie moyen infrarouge déportée à base de fibres optiques creuses anti-résonantes. OPTIQUE Nice 2022 - 41è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'41), Jul 2022, Nice, France. ⟨hal-03767672⟩
  • Xavier Insou, Simon Le Méhauté, Loïc Bodiou, Sébastien Claudot, Laurent Provino, et al.. Silica hollow-core anti-resonant fiber for harsh environment mid-infrared sensing applications. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, SPIE, Apr 2022, Strasbourg, France. pp.1214004, ⟨10.1117/12.2621689⟩. ⟨hal-03767638⟩
  • Laurent Provino, Adil Haboucha, Mélanie Havranek, Achille Monteville, David Landais, et al.. Large-Core Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber with Low-Loss and Truly Single-Mode Guidance for N-IR Wavelengths. Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference (ASSL 2018), Nov 2018, Boston, MA, United States. pp.ATh1A.6, ⟨10.1364/ASSL.2018.ATh1A.6⟩. ⟨hal-01926819⟩
  • Rodolphe Collin, Thierry Chartier. Étude de la dynamique d'un laser à fibre multimode pour l'étude du bruit relatif d'intensité et du transfert de bruit par doublage de fréquence. OPTIQUE Toulouse 2018 - 38è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'38), Jul 2018, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-02922364⟩
  • Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Kamal Hussain, Thierry Chartier, Stephane Trebaol, et al.. Effet de la détection équilibrée sur les performances d'une source optique utilisant un laser kilométrique à base de RSOA. 37è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017), Jul 2017, Limoges, France. ⟨hal-01713953⟩
  • Maxime Baillot, Mathilde Gay, Christophe Peucheret, Michel Joindot, Thierry Chartier. Conversion de fréquence sensible à la phase utilisant trois ondes pompes dans une fibre optique non-linéaire. 37è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017), Jul 2017, Limoges, France. ⟨hal-02923585⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Enguerran Delcourt, Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, Paul Azuelos, et al.. Micro-lensed fibers for coupling optimization in optical fibers and photonic integrated circuits. 9th International Conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA 2016), Nov 2016, Ninh Binh City, Vietnam. ⟨hal-01486788⟩
  • Laurent Provino, Corentin Plassart, Francois Faijan, Christelle Pareige, Alain Mugnier, et al.. Caractérisation des propriétés polarisantes à 1064 nm d'une fibre passive à pertes par canaux et à large cœur incluant des zones de contraintes de part et d'autre du cœur. OPTIQUE Bretagne 2015 - 35è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02923621⟩
  • Andrea Armaroli, Maxime Baillot, Thierry Chartier. Mélange à quatre ondes dégénéré dans les fibres à dispersion oscillante : récurrence non-linéaire et conversion en fréquence. OPTIQUE Bretagne 2015 - 35è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02923607⟩
  • Maxime Baillot, Thierry Chartier, Michel Joindot. Mélange à quatre ondes multiple dans les fibres optiques. 34è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2014), Oct 2014, Nice, France. ⟨hal-01151699⟩
  • Maxime Baillot, Thierry Chartier, Michel Joindot. Multiple Four-Wave Mixing in Optical Fibres. 40th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), Sep 2014, Cannes, France. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963922⟩. ⟨hal-01151712⟩
  • Pascal Besnard, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Fabienne Saliou, Sy Dat Le, et al.. Switch-on time of reflective semiconductor optical amplifier submitted to strong optical filtered feedback with long delay. SPIE Photonics Europe 2014, SPIE, Apr 2014, Brussels, Belgium. pp.9134-87. ⟨hal-01151475⟩
  • Adil Haboucha, Alain Mugnier, Christelle Pareige, Arnaud Fernandez, Thierry Chartier, et al.. 16W-pulsed green laser based on efficient frequency conversion of an Yb-doped fibre laser externally modulated by a semiconductor optical amplifier. SPIE Photonics West - LASE 2014, Feb 2014, San Francisco, United States. pp.89612H, ⟨10.1117/12.2038323⟩. ⟨hal-01151473⟩
  • Laurent Provino, Achille Monteville, Olivier Le Goffic, David Landais, Clément Romano, et al.. Design and Characterization of a Polarizing Microstructured Optical Fiber with Large Mode Area for Single-Mode Operation at 1064 nm. SPIE Photonics West - LASE 2014, Feb 2014, San Francisco, United States. pp.8961-78. ⟨hal-01151471⟩
  • Mike Ruiz, Pascal Besnard, Thierry Chartier, Fabienne Saliou, Sy Dat Le, et al.. Reflective semiconductor optical amplifier submitted to strong optical feedback and coupled to long external cavity. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2014, Feb 2014, San Francisco, United States. pp.898017. ⟨hal-01151470⟩
  • Laurent Provino, Achille Monteville, Clément Romano, Alain Mugnier, Christelle Pareige, et al.. Conception et réalisation d'une fibre à large cœur microstructurée polarisante adaptée à la transmission à 1 µm. 32è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2013), Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France. ⟨hal-01151489⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Kevin Lenglé, Monique Thual, Philippe Rochard, Mathilde Gay, et al.. Une méthode simple et non-destructive de mesure des pertes de couplage et des pertes du guide dans des guides optiques. 31èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012), Jul 2012, Lyon, France. pp.P16. ⟨hal-00724465⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, Kevin Lenglé, et al.. Conversion de longueur d'onde et démultiplexage optique dans des fibres optiques microstructurées en verres de chalcogénures. 31èmes Journées nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012), Jul 2012, Lyon, France. pp.18-20. ⟨hal-00724450⟩
  • Stéphane Balac, Thierry Chartier, Arnaud Fernandez, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur. Simulation numérique de la propagation d'une source laser incohérente dans une fibre optique. 7ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Électromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2012), Jul 2012, Marseille, France. pp.2. ⟨hal-00797644⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Kenny Hey Tow, Thierry Chartier, Marcia Costa E Silva, Laurent Bramerie, et al.. Nonlinear applications of chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers at 1550 nm. 18th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses, IS(NOG)2 2012, Jul 2012, Saint-Malo, France. pp.XX. ⟨hal-00744833⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, Kevin Lenglé, et al.. All-optical Wavelength Conversion of a 56 Gb/s DQPSK Signal and All-optical Demultiplexing of a 170 Gb/s OOK Signal in Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers. European Conference on Optical Communication 2012 (ECOC 2012), Jun 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.Th.2.F.3, ⟨10.1364/ECEOC.2012.Th.2.F.3⟩. ⟨hal-00744832⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Duc Minh Nguyen, Monique Thual, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, et al.. 42.7 Gbit/s RZ-33% Wavelength Conversion in a Chalcogenide Microstructured Fiber. Optical Fiber Communications Conference 2012 (OFC 2012), Mar 2012, Anhaheim, United States. pp.OTH4H.4, ⟨10.1364/OFC.2012.OTh4H.4⟩. ⟨hal-00717330⟩
  • David Méchin, Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Thierry Chartier, Pascal Besnard, et al.. Recent advances in very highly nonlinear chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers and their applications. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2012, SPIE, Jan 2012, San Francisco, United States. pp.82570C, ⟨10.1117/12.908035⟩. ⟨hal-01151447⟩
  • Thierry Chartier. La fibre optique : le guide optique aux multiples facettes. Ecole Thématique du CNRS Galerne 2011, Oct 2011, Roscoff, France. ⟨hal-01151445⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Duc Minh Nguyen, Monique Thual, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, et al.. Efficient Four-Wave Mixing in a Ultra-Highly Nonlinear Suspended-Core Chalcogenide Fiber. 37th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2011), Sep 2011, Genève, Switzerland. pp.Mo.2.LeCervin.4, ⟨10.1364/ECOC.2011.Mo.2.LeCervin.4⟩. ⟨hal-01151468⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Duc Minh Nguyen, Monique Thual, Laurent Bramerie, Marcia Costa E Silva, et al.. Mélange à quatre ondes dans une fibre à cœur suspendu en verre de chalcogénure AsSe très fortement non-linéaire. Optique Marseille 2011 - 30è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2011), Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.90-92. ⟨hal-00744760⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Monique Thual, Thierry Chartier. Investigation du mélange à quatre ondes et applications à la mesure simultanée de la dispersion et du coefficient Kerr sur des fibres en verres de chalcogénure.. Optique Marseille 2011 - 30è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2011), Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.277-279. ⟨hal-00744754⟩
  • Arnaud Fernandez, Patrick Beaure d'Augères, Stéphane Balac, Frédéric Ginovart, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Simulation statistique des propriétés de cohérence d’un laser à fibre et de ses manifestations non-linéaires en optique guidée. Optique Marseille 2011 / 30è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2011), Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.203-205. ⟨hal-01151488⟩
  • Johann Troles, Laurent Brilland, Perrine Toupin, Quentin Coulombier, Sy Dat Le, et al.. Chalcogenide suspended-core fibers : Manufacturing and non-linear properties at 1. 55 µm. 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2011), Jun 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.We.B6.2, ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2011.5971093⟩. ⟨hal-00744752⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Thierry Chartier, Mathilde Gay, Marcia Costa E Silva, Laurent Bramerie, et al.. Dispersion-Managed Fibers for All-Optical Regeneration at 160 Gbit/s. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe 2011 / 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2011), May 2011, Munich, Germany. ⟨10.1109/CLEOE.2011.5942659⟩. ⟨hal-01151467⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Gildas Gueguen, Sy Dat Le, Monique Thual, Thierry Chartier. Simultaneous Measurement of Group Velocity Dispersion and Nonlinear Coefficient in Optical Fiers Based on the Self-Phase Modulation. 6th International Conference on Photonics ans Applications, Nov 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. ⟨hal-01151465⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Kevin Lenglé, Laurent Bramerie, et al.. Chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers for telecommunication applications. 6th International Conference on Photonics ans Applications (ICPA 2010), Nov 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. ⟨hal-01150998⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual. Mesure simultanée de la dispersion et du coefficient non-lineaire kerr de fibres optiques baséé sur l’effet d’automodulation de phase. 29è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010), Oct 2010, Besançon, France. ⟨hal-01151477⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Kevin Lenglé, Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Fibre optique à cœur suspendu en verre de chalcogénure AsSe très fortement non-linéaire. 29è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010), Oct 2010, Besançon, France. ⟨hal-01151483⟩
  • Jean-Luc Adam, Johann Troles, Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Thierry Chartier. Photonic crystal fibers based on chalcogenide glasses. 2nd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF-2), Oct 2010, Oaxaca, Mexico. pp.78390U, ⟨10.1117/12.876833⟩. ⟨hal-00608663⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Johann Troles, et al.. Demonstration of a low loss and ultra highly nonlinear AsSe suspended-core chalcogenide fiber. 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2010), Sep 2010, Torino, Italy. pp.Tu.4.D.6, ⟨10.1109/ECOC.2010.5621464⟩. ⟨hal-00586682⟩
  • David Méchin, Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, et al.. Recent advances in very highly nonlinear chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers and their applications. 2010 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (PHOSST 2010), Jul 2010, Playa del Carmen, Mexico. pp.117-118, ⟨10.1109/PHOSST.2010.5553651⟩. ⟨hal-00744836⟩
  • Johann Troles, Jean-Luc Adam, Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Thierry Chartier. Elaboration of photonic crystal fibers for telecom and mid infrared wavelengths. 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2010), Jun 2010, Munich, Germany. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2010.5549180⟩. ⟨hal-00496515⟩
  • Julien Fatome, Christophe Finot, Mathilde Gay, Marcia Costa E Silva, Thanh Nam Nguyen, et al.. All optical solition-based 2R regeneration at 170 Gbps. OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2010, Jun 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany. pp.NMB4, ⟨10.1364/NP.2010.NMB4⟩. ⟨hal-00469973⟩
  • Johann Troles, Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Frédéric Désévédavy, Frédéric Smektala, et al.. Elaboration by casting method of low losses chalcogenide microstructured fibers for near and mid infrared applications. 17th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (XVII ISNOG), Jun 2010, Ningbo, China. pp.TuA-16. ⟨hal-00496520⟩
  • Patrick Beaure d'Augères, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur, Thierry Chartier. Time-resolved spectral analysis for nonlinear effects characterization in pulsed lasers. SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Apr 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.77280S, ⟨10.1117/12.853794⟩. ⟨hal-00496526⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Stéphane Blin, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual. Scalar product technique in modal decomposition for multimode fibers. SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Apr 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.77170V, ⟨10.1117/12.853673⟩. ⟨hal-00496529⟩
  • Gilles Renversez, Laurent Brilland, Frédéric Désévédavy, Quentin Coulombier, Johann Troles, et al.. Chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers : from linear to nonlinear properties. Final conference of the COST Action 299 "Optical Fibers for New Challenges Facing the Information Society", Mar 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ⟨hal-00470659⟩
  • Quentin Coulombier, Laurent Brilland, Patrick Houizot, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Fabrication of low-loss chalcogenide photonic-crystal fi bers by a moulding process. SPIE Photonics West 2010 - Optoelectronic Materials, Devices, and Applications (OPTO 2010), Jan 2010, San Francisco (CA), United States. pp.75980O, ⟨10.1117/12.840868⟩. ⟨hal-00496340⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Duc Minh Nguyen, Sy Dat Le, Monique Thual, et al.. Recent advances in chalcogenide holey fibres. Final meeting of COST 299 FIDES, 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ⟨hal-00496450⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Casting process for manufacturing a low loss chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber. SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, SPIE, 2010, Brussels, Belgium. pp.7714-07. ⟨hal-01151462⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Marcia Costa E Silva, Mathilde Gay, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, et al.. A fiber based limiter at 170 Gbit/s for all-optical regeneration. 2009 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, Oct 2009, Hai Phong, Vietnam. ⟨hal-00470034⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Claude Simon, Monique Thual, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Simple Method to Measure the Third-Order Nonlinear Coefficient of Optical Fibres. 35th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2009), Sep 2009, Vienna, Austria. pp.P1.17. ⟨hal-00487771⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Ultra Highly Nonlinear AsSe Chalcogenide Holey Fiber for Nonlinear Applications. 35th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2009), Sep 2009, Vienna, Austria. pp.10.1.2. ⟨hal-00487777⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Duc Minh Nguyen, Laurent Provino, Monique Thual, et al.. Simple Modal Analysis Method for Multi-Mode Fibers. 35th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2009), Sep 2009, Vienne, Austria. pp.P1.16. ⟨hal-00496344⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Nonlinear characterisation of an AsSe chalcogenide holey fiber. 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), Jul 2009, Hong-Kong, Hong Kong SAR China. pp.TuA1, ⟨10.1109/OECC.2009.5214434⟩. ⟨hal-00585108⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Nonlinear Characterisation of an AsSe Chalcogenide Holey Fiber. 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), Jul 2009, Hong-Kong, China. pp.534-535. ⟨hal-00487765⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Quang Trung Le, et al.. Efficiency of using a self-phase-modulation-based pulse compressor in Mamyshev regenerator for 42.6 Gbit/s RZ-33. 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), Jul 2009, Hong Kong SAR China. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/OECC.2009.5214414⟩. ⟨hal-00496343⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Duc Minh Nguyen, Philippe Rochard, Laurent Provino, et al.. Dispositif pour l'Observation et l'Analyse Quantitative des Modes Transverses d'une Fibre Optique. 28èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.327-329. ⟨hal-00488693⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Caractérisation d'une fibre optique ultra non-linéaire en verre de chalcogénure. 28èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.20-22. ⟨hal-00488346⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual, Jean-Claude Simon, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer le coefficient non-linéaire Kerr des fibres optiques. 28èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.223-225. ⟨hal-00488348⟩
  • Duc Minh Nguyen, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual. Amélioration de la précision de la mesure du coefficient non-linéaire Kerr de fibres optiques. 28èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.238-240. ⟨hal-00488350⟩
  • Patrick Beaure d'Augères, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur, Thierry Chartier. 20 ns smooth pulse generation in single mode actively Q-switched double clad Yb-doped fiber laser. Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics / European Quantum Electronics Conference 2009 (CLEO Europe/EQEC 2009), Jun 2009, Munich, Germany. pp.CJ.P.30, ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2009.5192859⟩. ⟨hal-00496408⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Claude Simon. Simple Rules and Chart to Design an All-optical SPM-based Regenerator. Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics / European Quantum Electronics Conference 2009 (CLEO Europe/EQEC 2009), Jun 2009, Munich, Germany. pp.CD.P.18, ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2009.5196567⟩. ⟨hal-00496404⟩
  • Johann Troles, Laurent Brilland, Patrick Houizot, Frédéric Désévéday, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Elaboration and characterizations of solid core and holow core microstructured chalcogenide fibers. 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM8), May 2009, Vancouver, Canada. pp.79. ⟨hal-00495771⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Patrick Houizot, Quentin Coulombier, Jean-Luc Adam, et al.. Récents développements des fibres microstructurées en verres de chalcogénure. Groupe de Recherche Photonique Nonlinéaire et Milieux Microstructurés (GDR 3073 PhoNoMi2), May 2009, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-00496446⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Claude Simon. Abaque de conception pour un régénérateur tout optique à base de fibre optique non-linéaire. Groupe de Recherche Photonique Nonlinéaire et Milieux Microstructurés (GDR 3073 PhoNoMi2), May 2009, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-00496435⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Laurent Provino, Nicholas Traynor, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur, et al.. Design of all-solid photonic-bandgap fibers for Raman-free propagation. Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics / European Quantum Electronics Conference 2009 (CLEO Europe/EQEC 2009), 2009, Munich, Germany. ⟨hal-00496414⟩
  • Johann Troles, Thierry Chartier. Les fibres optiques non-linéaires. Journée scientifique SISCom-Bretagne, 2009, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-00496485⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Patrick Houizot, Johann Troles, Frédéric Désévédavy, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Recent progress on the realization of chalcogenides Photonic Crystal Fibers. SPIE Photonics West 2009 - Optoelectronic Materials, Devices, and Applications (OPTO 2009), 2009, San José (CA), United States. pp.72120F, ⟨10.1117/12.815907⟩. ⟨hal-00585096⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Duc Minh Nguyen, Monique Thual, Laurent Provino, et al.. Simple modal analysis method for slightly mutli-mode optical fibers. 8th meeting of COST 299 FIDES, 2009, Wroclaw, Poland. ⟨hal-00496433⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Laurent Brilland, et al.. Recent advances in chalcogenide holey fibres. 8th meeting of COST 299 FIDES, 2009, Wroclaw, Poland. ⟨hal-00496428⟩
  • Patrick Beaure d'Augères, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur, Thierry Chartier. Etude de cavités laser fibrées monomodes transverses pour la génération d'impulsions dans la gamme 20-50 ns. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.17-19. ⟨hal-00496399⟩
  • Nicholas Traynor, Achille Monteville, Laurent Brilland, Johann Troles, Denis Tregoat, et al.. Fabrication et Applications des Fibres Microstructurées. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.106-108. ⟨hal-00495770⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Quentin Coulombier, Patrick Houizot, Frédéric Désévédavy, Johann Troles, et al.. Amélioration de la transmission des fibres microstructurées en verres de chalcogénures. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.312-314. ⟨hal-00496396⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Trung Hieu Bui. Résolution de l'équation non-linéaire de Schrödinger avec une précision donnée. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.380-382. ⟨hal-00496393⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Alain Mugnier, David Pureur, Thierry Chartier. Méthode spectrale quasi-statique efficace pour la modélisation en intensité de la diffusion Raman stimulée. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.389-391. ⟨hal-00496402⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Quang Trung Le, et al.. Réduction de l'effet Brillouin et du mélange à quatre ondes dans un régénérateur optique à base de fibres optiques non-linéaires. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.299-301. ⟨hal-00496386⟩
  • Laurent Brilland, Patrick Houizot, Johann Troles, Frederic Desevedavy, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Improvement of the transmission of chalcogenide photonic crystal fibres: observation of self phase modulation spectral broadening. 34th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2008), Sep 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.75-76. ⟨hal-00496337⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Quang Trung Le, et al.. Utilisation of a self-phase-modulation-based compressor to overcome Brillouin backscattering and intrachannel four-wave mixing in a 2R regenerator at 42.6 Gbit/s. 34th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2008), Sep 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.115-116. ⟨hal-00496327⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Trung Hieu Bui. A novel split-step Fourier method to solve the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a given accuracy. International Workshop on Photonics and Applications 2008 (IWPA 2008), Sep 2008, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp.P1-01. ⟨hal-00496336⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Julien Fatome, et al.. Fiber-based optical functions for high-bit-rate transmissions. 5th meeting of COST 299 FIDES, Sep 2008, Berlin, Germany. ⟨hal-00496422⟩
  • Jean-Claude Simon, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Vincent Roncin, Michel Joindot, et al.. Long Distance Transmission Using Optical Regeneration. Optical Fiber Communication conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2008 (OFC/NFOEC 2008), Feb 2008, San Diego (CA), United States. pp.OWS1 (CD version only). ⟨hal-00276708⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier. Optimisation de la méthode split-step Fourier symétrique pour résoudre l'équation non-linéaire de Schrödinger. 26èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2007), Jul 2007, Grenoble, France. pp.184-186. ⟨hal-00496381⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Laurent Bramerie, Jean-Claude Simon, Julien Fatome, et al.. Caractérisation théorique du régénérateur 2R exploitant l'automodulation de phase dans une fibre optique. 26èmes Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée, Jul 2007, Grenoble, France. ⟨hal-00469971⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual, Philippe Rochard, L. Provino, et al.. Dispersion and non linear coefficient measurements in optical fibers using soliton effect compression. 12th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference / 16th international conference on Integrated Optics and Optical fiber Communication (OECC/IOOC 2007), Jul 2007, Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan. pp.13C5-3. ⟨hal-00264780⟩
  • Thierry Chartier. Les fibres optiques non-linéaires pour les télécommunications à très haut-débit. Salon OPTO 2007, 2007, Paris, France. ⟨hal-00496480⟩
  • Alexandra Lagrost, Thierry Chartier, Mathilde Gay, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Pascal Besnard, et al.. Régime Multi-impulsionnel dans un laser à fibre dopée Erbium contenant un absorbant saturable. 25èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2006), Nov 2006, Metz, France. pp.145-147. ⟨hal-00259622⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual, Pascal Besnard, Laurent Provino, et al.. Une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer simultanément la dispersion et le coefficient non-linéaire de fibres optiques à dispersion positive. 25èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2006), Nov 2006, Metz, France. pp.152-154. ⟨hal-00259630⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Thierry Chartier, Monique Thual, Pascal Besnard, L. Provino, et al.. Higher-order soliton-effect pulse compression in a non-linear holey fibre. Application to second-order dispersion measurement. 32nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2006), Sep 2006, Cannes, France. Vol.3, pp.145-146. ⟨hal-00148078⟩
  • Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Jean-Claude Simon, Vincent Roncin, Gwenaëlle Girault, et al.. 2R and 3R optical regeneration: from device to system characterization. 32nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2006), Sep 2006, Cannes, France. pp.1-4. ⟨hal-00148361⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen. Improvement of the local error split-stepFourier method to solve the non linear Schrodinger equation. International Workshop on Photonic and Application 2006 (IWPA 2006), Aug 2006, Can Tho, Vietnam. ⟨hal-00167431⟩
  • Frédéric Smektala, Laurent Brilland, Gilles Renversez, Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, et al.. Recent advances in the development of chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers.. American Ceramic Society Glass and Optical Materials Division Meeting, GOMD 2006, May 2006, Greenville, SC, United States. ⟨hal-00469708⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Sebastien Lobo, Monique Thual, Pascal Besnard, et al.. Silica and chalcogenide fibers for all-optical signal processing. 1st meeting of COST 299 " Fibres Dedicated to Society " (FIDES), May 2006, Mons, Belgium. ⟨hal-00194972⟩
  • Achille Monteville, David Landais, Olivier Le Goffic, Denis Tregoat, Nicholas Traynor, et al.. Low Loss, Low OH, Highly Non-linear Holey Fiber for Raman Amplification. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2006), May 2006, Long Beach (CA), United States. pp.CMC1, ⟨10.1109/CLEO.2006.4627690⟩. ⟨hal-00194956⟩
  • Frederic Smektala, Laurent Brillant, Thierry Chartier, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Nicholas Traynor, et al.. Recent advances in the development of holey optical fibers based on sulfide glasse. SPIE Photonics West 2006 - Optoelectronic Materials, Devices, and Applications (OPTO 2006), Jan 2006, San Jose (CA), United States. pp.61280M, ⟨10.1117/12.645718⟩. ⟨hal-00194921⟩
  • Thierry Chartier. Présentation générale des fibres optiques. Journées de la Photonique et de l'Optique Moderne, 2006, Lannion, France. ⟨hal-00496417⟩
  • Thanh Nam Nguyen, Mathilde Gay, Laurent Bramerie, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Claude Simon, et al.. Régénération tout optique à base de fibre optique non linéaire. 24èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2005), Nov 2005, Chambéry, France. pp.352-354. ⟨hal-00079093⟩
  • Laurent Brillant, Nicholas Traynor, Achille Monteville, Frederic Smektala, Johann Troles, et al.. Single mode holey fiber in GeGaSbS chalcogenide glass. NonLinear Guided Waves and their applications 2005 topical meeting (NLGW 2005), 6-9 september 2005, Sep 2005, Dresden, Germany. pp.TuD3 (CD version only ). ⟨hal-00086143⟩
  • Frédéric Smektala, Laurent Brillant, Jenny Le Person, Thierry Chartier, Johann Troles, et al.. Holey optical fibers based on chalcogenide glasses. 107th Annual Meeting & Exposition of The American Ceramic Society, Apr 2005, Baltimore (MD), United States. ⟨hal-00086092⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Mathilde Gay, Jean-Claude Simon. Fibres hautement non-linéaires pour la régénération tout optique. Journée Technique « Les fibres optiques spéciales, technologie et applications », Dec 2004, Lannion, France. ⟨hal-00148606⟩
  • Jean-Claude Simon, Laurent Bramerie, Mathilde Gay, Gwenaëlle Girault, Gautier Moreau, et al.. Principes de la régénération tout optique des signaux de télécommunication. 1er séminaire du Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique dédié aux Fonctions Optiques pour les TélécommunicatiONs (FOTON 2004), Nov 2004, Plestin-les-Grèves, France. pp.17-19. ⟨hal-00151921⟩
  • Pascal Besnard, Jean-Claude Simon, Adrian Mihaescu, Monique Thual, Céline Guignard, et al.. Sources impulsionnelles pour les télécommunications optiques. Colloque de l'Action Spécifique n°36 CNRS-STIC " Communications Numériques Optiques et Systèmes "Tout Optique" " (COSTO), Dec 2003, Paris, France. ⟨hal-00148110⟩
  • Jacques Marcou, Ambre Peyrilloux, Fabien Bréchet, Dominique Pagnoux, Philippe Roy, et al.. Bragg Fibers and Microstrutured Air-Silica Fibers for the Management of the Chromatic Dispersion : Modelling and Experimentation. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Jul 2002, boston, United States. ⟨hal-01289534⟩
  • Gilles Martel, B. Ortac, Thierry Chartier, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Georges Boudebs, et al.. Dynamics of a vectorial neodymium-doped fiber laser passively Q-switched by a polymer-based saturable absorber. Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.261, ⟨10.1117/12.498509⟩. ⟨hal-02444057⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Ambre Peyrilloux, Laurent Berthelot, Gilles Mélin, André Tardy, et al.. Mesure de la biréfringence d’une fibre à cristal photonique par une méthode magnéto-optique. OPTIX 2001, Nov 2001, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-01290257⟩
  • Thierry Chartier, Ambre Peyrilloux, Laurent Berthelot, Gilles Mélin, André Tardy, et al.. Experimental and theoretical determination of the birefringence of a photonic crystal fibre. 6th Optical Fiber Measurements Conference, Sep 2001, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01290250⟩

Chapitres d'ouvrage


  • Stéphane Blin, Monique Thual, Nguyen Thanh Nam, Duc Minh Nguyen, Philippe Rochard, et al.. System and method for observing transverse modes of an optical waveguide. United States, Patent n° : WO 2010/133488 A l. 2010. ⟨hal-02921723⟩
  • Stéphane Blin, Monique Thual, Thanh Nam Nguyen, Duc Minh Nguyen, Philippe Rochard, et al.. Procédé et système d'observation de modes transverses d'un guide optique. France, N° de brevet: FR2945637 (A1). 2009, pp.16. ⟨hal-00585114⟩

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