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189 documents

Articles dans une revue

  • Martin Vrážel, Raïssa Kadar Ismail, Rémi Courson, Abdelali Hammouti, Marek Bouška, et al.. Surface functionalization of a chalcogenide IR photonic sensor by means of a polymer membrane for water pollution remediation. Analyst, 2024, 149 (18), pp.4723-4735. ⟨10.1039/d4an00721b⟩. ⟨hal-04670344⟩
  • Sofiane Meziani, Abdallah Jaafar, Abdelali Hammouti, Loïc Bodiou, Nathalie Lorrain, et al.. Volume detection based on porous silicon waveguide for CO2 mid-infrared spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2024, 32 (8), pp.13628. ⟨10.1364/OE.516923⟩. ⟨hal-04541374⟩
  • Abdallah Jaafar, Sofiane Meziani, Abdelali Hammouti, Parastesh Pirasteh, Nathalie Lorrain, et al.. Oxidation effect on optical properties of integrated waveguides based on porous silicon layers at mid-infrared wavelength. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2024, 58, pp.101244. ⟨10.1016/j.photonics.2024.101244⟩. ⟨hal-04576799⟩
  • Florent Starecki, Marion Baillieul, Taghrid Ghanawi, Abdelali Hammouti, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Praseodymium-doped Ge20In5Sb10Se65 films based on Argon plasma co-sputtering for infrared luminescent integrated photonic circuits. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16 (4), pp.5225-5233. ⟨10.1021/acsami.3c14602⟩. ⟨hal-04430959⟩
  • Warda Raiah, M. Guendouz, Parastesh Pirasteh, Vincent Thomy, Joël Charrier, et al.. FT-IR detection of DMMP on TiO 2 -Modified Porous Silicon Substrates. Materials Today Chemistry, 2024, 42, pp.102363. ⟨10.1016/j.mtchem.2024.102363⟩. ⟨hal-04774473v2⟩
  • Nouhaila Benkohaila, Nathalie Lorrain, Saïda Bahsine, Fatima Lmai, Joel Charrier. Design of an optical gas sensor based on chalcogenide (ChG) glass platform in the mid-infrared for detection of CO2 and CO. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2024, 56 (10), pp.1609. ⟨10.1007/s11082-024-07486-1⟩. ⟨hal-04720984⟩
  • Asma Bouzid, Mohamed El Amine Brixi Negassa, Parastesh Pirastesh, Joel Charrier, Sofiane Soulimane. FIGURE OF MERIT STUDY FOR VALVELESS PIEZOELECTRIC MICROPUMP DESIGNED TO HANDLE LIQUID AND GAS FLUID IN MEDICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. Journal of the Serbian Society For Computational Mechanics, 2024, 18 (1), pp.29-44. ⟨10.24874/jsscm.2024.18.01.03⟩. ⟨hal-04720953⟩
  • Loic Bodiou, Marion Baillieul, Virginie Nazabal, Jonathan Lemaitre, Albane Benardais, et al.. Carbon dioxide mid-infrared sensing based on Dy3+-doped chalcogenide waveguide photoluminescence. Optics Letters, 2023, 48 (5), pp.1128-1131. ⟨10.1364/OL.483613⟩. ⟨hal-04057503⟩
  • Rami Zegadi, Nathalie Lorrain, Sofiane Meziani, Yannick Dumeige, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Theoretical Demonstration of the Interest of Using Porous Germanium to Fabricate Multilayer Vertical Optical Structures for the Detection of SF(6) Gas in the Mid-Infrared. Sensors, 2022, 22 (3), pp.844. ⟨10.3390/s22030844⟩. ⟨hal-03597335⟩
  • Marion Baillieul, Emmanuel Rinnert, Jonathan Lemaitre, Karine Michel, Florent Colas, et al.. Surface Functionalization with Polymer Membrane or SEIRA Interface to Improve the Sensitivity of Chalcogenide-Based Infrared Sensors Dedicated to the Detection of Organic Molecules. ACS Omega, 2022, 7 (51), pp.47840-47850. ⟨10.1021/acsomega.2c05502⟩. ⟨hal-03924509⟩
  • Marion Baillieul, Emeline Baudet, Karine Michel, Jonathan Moreau, Petr Nemec, et al.. Toward Chalcogenide Platform Infrared Sensor Dedicated to the In Situ Detection of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Natural Waters via an Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy Study. Sensors, 2021, 21 (7), pp.2449. ⟨10.3390/s21072449⟩. ⟨hal-03217083⟩
  • Rami Zegadi, Nathalie Lorrain, Loїc Bodiou, Mohammed Guendouz, Lahcene Ziet, et al.. Enhanced mid-infrared gas absorption spectroscopic detection using chalcogenide or porous germanium waveguides. Journal of Optics, 2021, 23 (3), pp.035102. ⟨10.1088/2040-8986/abdf69⟩. ⟨hal-04475281⟩
  • Maxime Duris, Damien Deubel, Loïc Bodiou, Claude Vaudry, Jean-Claude Keromnes, et al.. Fabrication of Ge-ZnS multilayered optical filters for mid-infrared applications. Thin Solid Films, 2021, 719, pp.138488. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2020.138488⟩. ⟨hal-03493352⟩
  • Simone Normani, Jan Gutwirth, Loïc Bodiou, Marion Baillieul, Loïc Joanny, et al.. Radio-frequency sputtering fabrication of chalcogenide-based Er3+-doped vertical optical cavities for near-infrared operation. Optical Materials Express, 2020, 10 (10), pp.2500-2512. ⟨10.1364/OME.401930⟩. ⟨hal-02996400⟩
  • Nessim Jebali, Loïc Bodiou, Joël Charrier, Andrea Armaroli, Yannick Dumeige. Combining FDTD and coupled-mode theory for self-pulsing modeling in coupled nonlinear microring resonators. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2020, 37 (9), pp.2557. ⟨10.1364/JOSAB.399879⟩. ⟨hal-03080015⟩
  • Warda Raiah, Yannick Coffinier, V. Thomy, Maxime Duris, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Vertical multilayer structures based on porous silicon layers for mid-infrared applications. Optical Materials Express, 2020, 10 (8), pp.1921-1930. ⟨10.1364/OME.396343⟩. ⟨hal-03043784⟩
  • Geoffrey Louvet, Simone Normani, Loïc Bodiou, Jan Gutwirth, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Co-sputtered Pr 3+ -doped Ga-Ge-Sb-Se active waveguides for mid-infrared operation. Optics Express, 2020, 28 (15), pp.22511. ⟨10.1364/oe.398434⟩. ⟨hal-02957437⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Yannick Dumeige, Simone Normani, Geoffrey Louvet, Petr Nemec, et al.. Design of a multimode interferometer-based mid-infrared multispecies gas sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20 (22), pp.13426-13435. ⟨10.1109/JSEN.2020.3005346⟩. ⟨hal-02936794⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Nessim Jebali, Loïc Bodiou, Marion Baillieul, Emeline Baudet, et al.. Self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing in a chalcogenide ridge waveguide. Optical Materials Express, 2020, 10 (6), pp.1440-1450. ⟨10.1364/OME.393535⟩. ⟨hal-02879002⟩
  • Nora Guermit, Louardi Remache, Nathalie Lorrain, Mohammed Guendouz, Joël Charrier. Theoretical and experimental study of Fermi Bragg Reflector as Application for thin silicon solar cells. Optical Materials, 2020, 100, pp.109615. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2019.109615⟩. ⟨hal-02880032⟩
  • Muin F Ubeid, Mohammed M Shabat, Joël Charrier. Antireflection coatings comprised of metal nanoparticules and silicon nitride. Romanian Reports in Physics, 2020, 72 (4), pp.415. ⟨hal-03105879⟩
  • Nathalie Lorrain, Parastesh Pirasteh, Pauline Girault, Paul Azuelos, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Submicron gap reduction of micro-resonator based on porous silica ridge waveguides manufactured by standard photolithographic process. Optical Materials, 2019, 88, pp.210-217. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2018.11.038⟩. ⟨hal-01955831⟩
  • Paul Azuelos, Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Yannick Dumeige, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Optimization of porous silicon waveguide design for micro-ring resonator sensing applications. Journal of Optics, 2018, 20 (8), pp.085301. ⟨10.1088/2040-8986/aad01b⟩. ⟨hal-01891887⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Florent Starecki, Jonathan Lemaitre, Virginie Nazabal, Jean-Louis Doualan, et al.. Mid-infrared guided photoluminescence from integrated Pr3+-doped selenide ridge waveguides. Optical Materials, 2018, 75, pp.109-115. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2017.10.001⟩. ⟨hal-01639691⟩
  • Paul Azuelos, Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Luiz Poffo, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. High sensitivity optical biosensor based on polymer materials and using the Vernier effect. Optics Express, 2017, 25 (24), pp.30799-30806. ⟨10.1364/OE.25.030799⟩. ⟨hal-01891943⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Paul Azuelos, Nathalie Lorrain, Luiz Poffo, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Porous silicon micro-resonator implemented by standard photolithography process for sensing application. Optical Materials, 2017, 72, pp.596-601. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2017.07.005⟩. ⟨hal-01588507⟩
  • E. Baudet, A. Gutierrez-Arroyo, M. Baillieul, J. Charrier, P. Němec, et al.. Development of an evanescent optical integrated sensor in the mid-infrared for detection of pollution in groundwater or seawater. Advanced Device Materials, 2017, 3 (2), pp.23-29. ⟨10.1080/20550308.2017.1338211⟩. ⟨hal-02134188⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Emeline Baudet, Loïc Bodiou, Virginie Nazabal, Emmanuel Rinnert, et al.. Theoretical study of an evanescent optical integrated sensor for multipurpose detection of gases and liquids in the Mid-Infrared. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 242, pp.842-848. ⟨10.1016/j.snb.2016.09.174⟩. ⟨hal-01500404⟩
  • Giuseppe Palma, Mario Christian Falconi, Florent Starecki, Virginie Nazabal, Julien Ari, et al.. Design of praseodymium-doped chalcogenide micro-disk emitting at 4.7 μm. Optics Express, 2017, 25 (6), pp.7014-7030. ⟨10.1364/OE.25.007014⟩. ⟨hal-01515164⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Emeline Baudet, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Isabelle Hardy, et al.. Optical characterization at 7.7 μm of an integrated platform based on chalcogenide waveguides for sensing applications in the mid-infrared. Optics Express, 2016, 24 (20), pp.23109-23117. ⟨10.1364/OE.24.023109⟩. ⟨hal-01398053⟩
  • E. Baudet, Aldo Gutierrez, P. Nemec, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Selenide sputtered films development for MIR environmental sensor. Optical Materials Express, 2016, 6 (8), pp.2616--2627. ⟨10.1364/OME.6.002616⟩. ⟨hal-01367204⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, F. Starecki, J. -L. Doualan, P. Němec, P. Camy, et al.. Luminescence at 2.8 μm: Er3+-doped chalcogenide micro-waveguide. Optical Materials, 2016, 58, pp.390--397. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2016.06.009⟩. ⟨hal-01334053⟩
  • Sylvain Achelle, Loïc Bodiou, Joël Charrier, Francoise Robin-Le Guen. Incorporation of pyrimidine fluorophores into poly(methylmethacrylate) polymer structures. Comptes Rendus. Chimie, 2016, 19 (3), pp.279-285. ⟨10.1016/j.crci.2015.07.014⟩. ⟨hal-01269745⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Enguerran Delcourt, Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, Paul Azuelos, et al.. Study of Optimized Coupling Based on Micro-lensed Fibers for Fibers and Photonic Integrated Circuits in the Framework of Telecommunications and Sensing Applications. Communications in Physics, 2016, 26 (4), pp.325-334. ⟨10.15625/0868-3166/26/4/8951⟩. ⟨hal-01609530⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Luiz Poffo, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Racetrack micro-resonators based on ridge waveguides made of porous silica. Optical Materials, 2015, 50 (part B), pp.167-174. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2015.10.017⟩. ⟨hal-01588445⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Qingyuan Gu, Maud Guezo, Enguerran Delcourt, Thomas Batté, et al.. Guided Photoluminescence from Integrated Carbon-Nanotube-Based Optical Waveguides. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27 (40), pp.6181-6186. ⟨10.1002/adma.201502536⟩. ⟨hal-02107403⟩
  • Ali Soltani, Arnaud Stolz, Joël Charrier, Maghnia Mattalah, Jean-Claude Gerbedoen, et al.. Dispersion properties and low infrared optical losses in epitaxial AlN on sapphire substrate in the visible and infrared range. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115 (16), pp.163515. ⟨10.1063/1.4873236⟩. ⟨hal-00987345⟩
  • Petr Němec, Joël Charrier, Michel Cathelinaud, Mathieu Allix, Jean-Luc Adam, et al.. Pulsed laser deposited amorphous chalcogenide and alumino-silicate thin films and their multilayered structures for photonic applications. Thin Solid Films, 2013, 539, pp.226-232. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2013.04.013⟩. ⟨hal-00878948⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Najar Adel, Parastesh Pirasteh. Study of optical absorbance in porous silicon nanowires for solar cell applications. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, pp.828-832. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.07.026⟩. ⟨hal-00939095⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Jean-Louis Doualan, Patrice Camy, et al.. Guided photoluminescence study of Nd-doped silicon rich silicon oxide and silicon rich silicon nitride waveguides. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114 (1), pp.014906. ⟨10.1063/1.4812470⟩. ⟨hal-00842338⟩
  • Arnaud Stolz, Ali Soltani, Bassam Abdallah, Joël Charrier, D. Deresmes, et al.. Optical properties of aluminum nitride thin films grown by direct-current magnetron sputtering close to epitaxy. Thin Solid Films, 2013, 534, pp.442-445. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2013.01.086⟩. ⟨hal-01264133⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Marie-Laure Brandily, Hervé Lhermite, Karine Michel, Bruno Bureau, et al.. Evanescent wave optical micro-sensor based on chalcogenide glass. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2012, 173, pp.468-476. ⟨10.1016/j.snb.2012.07.056⟩. ⟨hal-00743261⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Yann G. Boucher, Olivier Debieu, et al.. Study of optical losses of Nd3+ doped silicon rich silicon oxide for laser cavity.. Thin Solid Films, 2012, 520, pp.4026. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2012.01.033⟩. ⟨hal-00738664⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Parastesh Pirasteh, Michel Gadonna. Effect of interface roughness and polarisation on the optical losses of porous silicon-based waveguides. Micro and Nano Letters, 2012, 7 (6), pp.275-278. ⟨10.1049/mnl.2012.0027⟩. ⟨hal-00718366⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh, Yann G. Boucher, Michel Gadonna. Bragg reflector formed on oxidized porous silicon. Micro and Nano Letters, 2012, 7, pp.105-108. ⟨10.1049/mnl.2011.0653⟩. ⟨hal-00711204⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh, R. Sougrat. Ultra-low reflection porous silicon nanowires for solar cell applications. Optics Express, 2012, 20 (15), pp.16861. ⟨10.1364/OE.20.016861⟩. ⟨hal-00724474⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Frédéric Charpentier, Jean-Luc Adam, Petr Nemec, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Sputtering and Pulsed Laser Deposition for Near- and Mid-Infrared Applications: A Comparative Study of Ge25Sb10S65 and Ge25Sb10Se65 Amorphous Thin Films. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2011, 8 (5), pp.990-1000. ⟨10.1111/j.1744-7402.2010.02571.x⟩. ⟨hal-00564132⟩
  • Khalida Messaad, Joël Charrier, Alexandra Mosqueron, Dominique Bosc, Philippe Rochard. Study of optical losses in poly(3-octylthiophene) planar and inverted rib waveguides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 121, pp.2134-2142. ⟨10.1002/app.33943⟩. ⟨hal-00595210⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Petr Nemec, Anne-Marie Jurdyc, Shaoqian Zhang, Frédéric Charpentier, et al.. Optical waveguide based on amorphous Er3+-doped Ga-Ge-Sb-S(Se) pulsed laser deposited thin films. Thin Solid Films, 2010, 518 (17), pp.4941-4947. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2010.03.030⟩. ⟨hal-00486336⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Mohamed Dribek. Theoretical study of the factor of merit of porous silicon based optical biosensors. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107 (4), pp.044905. ⟨10.1063/1.3295906⟩. ⟨hal-00491161⟩
  • Adel Najar, Nathalie Lorrain, H. Ajlani, Joël Charrier, Mehrezi Oueslati, et al.. Er3+ Doping conditions of planar porous silicon waveguides. Applied Surface Science, 2009, 256 (3), pp.581-586. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.08.030⟩. ⟨hal-00498777⟩
  • Marie-Laure Anne, Julie Keirsse, Virginie Nazabal, Koji Hyodo, Satoru Inoue, et al.. Chalcogenide Glass Optical Waveguides for Infrared Biosensing. Sensors, 2009, 9 (9), pp.7398-7411. ⟨10.3390/s90907398⟩. ⟨hal-00419887⟩
  • A. Chouket, Joël Charrier, Habib Elhouichet, Mehrezi Oueslati. Optical study of planar waveguides based on oxidized porous silicon impregnated with laser dyes. Journal of Luminescence, 2009, Vol.129 (Issue 5), pp.461-464. ⟨10.1016/j.jlumin.2008.11.013⟩. ⟨hal-00429874⟩
  • Yann G. Boucher, Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh. Modal Analysis of Graded-Index Porous Silicon Slab Waveguides. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, Vol.44 (Issue 9), pp.886-893. ⟨10.1109/JQE.2008.925138⟩. ⟨hal-00362273⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Marie-Laure Anne, Hervé Lhermitte, J.-P. Guin, Virginie Nazabal, et al.. Sulphide GaxGe25−xSb10S65(x=0,5) sputtered films: Fabrication and optical characterizations of planar and rib optical waveguides. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104 (7), pp.073110. ⟨10.1063/1.2968248⟩. ⟨hal-00356399⟩
  • Joël Charrier, M. Kloul, Parastesh Pirasteh, Jean-François Bardeau, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Structural and optical studies of porous silicon buried waveguides: effects of oxidation and pore filling using DR1 dyes. Optical Materials, 2007, Vol.30 (Issue 31), pp.431-437. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2006.12.003⟩. ⟨hal-00275711⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, Nathalie Lorrain, Lazhar Haji, Mehrezi Oueslati. Optical gain measurements in porous silicon planar waveguides codoped by Erbium and Ytterbium ions at 1.53 µm. Applied Physics Letters, 2007, Vol.91 (Issue 12), pp.121120. ⟨10.1063/1.2789185⟩. ⟨hal-00275700⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Vincent Alaiwan, Parastesh Pirasteh, Adel Najar, Michel Gadonna. Influence of experimental parameters on physical properties of porous silicon and oxidized porous silicon layers. Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253 (21), pp.8632-8636. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.04.056⟩. ⟨hal-00264785⟩
  • Adel Najar, H. Ajlani, Joël Charrier, Nathalie Lorrain, Severine Haesaert, et al.. Optical study of Erbium-doped-porous silicon based planar waveguides. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2007, 396 (1-2), pp.145-149. ⟨10.1016/j.physb.2007.03.034⟩. ⟨hal-00275713⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Severine Haesaert, Pierre Joubert. Optical loss study of porous silicon and oxidized porous silicon planar waveguides. Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, Vol.101 (Issue 8), pp.083110. ⟨10.1063/1.2718886⟩. ⟨hal-00275705⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Annick Chaillou, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Study of porous silicon optical waveguides impregnated with organic dyes. Applied Surface Science, 2007, Vol.253 (Issue 7), pp.3440 3443. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.07.047⟩. ⟨hal-00275909⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Ali Soltani, Severine Haesaert, Lazhar Haji, et al.. The effect of oxidation on physical properties of porous silicon layers for optical applications. Applied Surface Science, 2006, Vol.253 (Issue 4), pp.1999-2002. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.03.083⟩. ⟨hal-00187580⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Pierre Joubert, Severine Haesaert, et al.. Light propagation scattering in porous silicon nanocomposite waveguides. Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2005, Vol.202 (Issue 8), pp.1712-1716. ⟨10.1002/pssa.200461238⟩. ⟨hal-00023523⟩
  • Aurélien Bruyant, Ilan Stefanon, Gilles Lerondel, Sylvain Blaize, Sébastien Aubert, et al.. Light propagation in a porous silicon waveguide: an optical modes analysis in near-field. Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2005, 202 (8), pp.1417-1421. ⟨10.1002/pssa.200461118⟩. ⟨hal-02379026⟩

Communications dans un congrès

  • V. Nazabal, T. Ghandawi, Florent Starecki, A Hammouti, S Meziani, et al.. Rare earth doped chalcogenide waveguide for mid-IR luminescence. 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Jul 2024, Bari, Italy. pp.1-1, ⟨10.1109/icton62926.2024.10648273⟩. ⟨hal-04688049⟩
  • Ronan Kervazo, Antoine Congar, Georges Perin, Laurent Lablonde, Raphaël Butté, et al.. Miniaturisation d'une diode laser InGaN à faible largeur de raie par contre réaction optique d'un réseau de Bragg fibré pour la gamme du bleu et du proche ultraviolet. OPTIQUE Normandie 2024, Société Française d'Optique, Jul 2024, Rouen, France. ⟨hal-04652629⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Abdelali Hammouti, Sofiane Meziani, Jonathan Lemaitre, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Rare earth-doped chalcogenides integrated waveguides for mid-IR emission. 10th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Jun 2024, Pardubice, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-04652704⟩
  • Abdelali Hammouti, Sofiane Meziani, Loïc Bodiou, Nathalie Lorrain, Parastesh Pirasteh, et al.. Optimization of etching parameters of chalcogenide layers for photonic integrated circuits for Near and Mid-Infrared applications. 10th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Jun 2024, Pardubice, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-04652694⟩
  • Ronan Kervazo, Antoine Congar, Georges Perin, Laurent Lablonde, Raphaël Butté, et al.. Towards narrow-linewidth hybrid-integrated laser diode using Bragg grating for the blue/near-UV range. 10th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Jun 2024, Pardubice, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-04652717⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Radwan Chahal, Sofiane Meziani, A Hammouti, Martin Vrážel, et al.. Infrared photonic sensors based on chalcogenide thin films for monitoring of water pollutants. Optical Components and Materials XXI, Jan 2024, San Francisco, United States. pp.39, ⟨10.1117/12.3010513⟩. ⟨hal-04687882⟩
  • Ronan Kervazo, Loïc Bodiou, Jean-Claude Simon, Monique Thual, Christophe Levallois, et al.. Development of SiON-based photonic integrated circuits for the blue/near-UV wavelength range. European Conference on Integrated Optics, Apr 2023, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, Netherlands. ⟨hal-04652207⟩
  • R. Kervazo, A. Congar, G. Perin, L. Lablonde, R. Butté, et al.. Sub-MHz linewidth UV laser diode for metrological applications. CLEO, 2023, MUNICH, Germany. ⟨hal-04182885⟩
  • Simon Le Méhauté, Loïc Bodiou, Xavier Insou, Joël Charrier, Thierry Chartier, et al.. Spectroscopie moyen infrarouge déportée à base de fibres optiques creuses anti-résonantes. OPTIQUE Nice 2022 - 41è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'41), Jul 2022, Nice, France. ⟨hal-03767672⟩
  • Marion Baillieul, Emmanuel Rinnert, Jonathan Lemaitre, Karine Michel, Florent Colas, et al.. Improvement of the sensitivity of chalcogenide-based infrared sensors dedicated to the in situ detection of organic molecules in aquatic environment. SPIE Photonics Europe, Apr 2022, Strasbourg, France. pp.64, ⟨10.1117/12.2624451⟩. ⟨hal-03768865⟩
  • Xavier Insou, Simon Le Méhauté, Loïc Bodiou, Sébastien Claudot, Laurent Provino, et al.. Silica hollow-core anti-resonant fiber for harsh environment mid-infrared sensing applications. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, SPIE, Apr 2022, Strasbourg, France. pp.1214004, ⟨10.1117/12.2621689⟩. ⟨hal-03767638⟩
  • Loic Bodiou, Marion Baillieul, Virginie Nazabal, Jonathan Lemaitre, Albane Benardais, et al.. Mid-IR emission from integrated rare earth (Dy3+, Pr3+)-doped chalcogenides waveguides for sensing applications. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Apr 2022, Strasbourg, France. pp.1214802, ⟨10.1117/12.2621815⟩. ⟨hal-03773465⟩
  • Sofiane Meziani, Maxime Duris, Mohamed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, Parastesh Pirasteh, et al.. Vertical multilayer structures based on porous silicon layers for mid-infrared applications. Journées du GDR Nano TeraMIR, Jun 2021, virtuel, France. ⟨hal-03621610⟩
  • Xavier Insou, Loïc Bodiou, Sébastien Claudot, Laurent Provino, Adil Haboucha, et al.. Système embarqué de mesure optique des gaz de combustion du kérosène. 39è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019), Jul 2019, Paris-Saclay, France. ⟨hal-02336790⟩
  • Jonathan Lemaitre, Marion Baillieul, Guillaume Demesy, Loïc Bodiou, Anna Rumyantseva, et al.. Développement d'un capteur spectroscopique intégré pour le moyen infrarouge par onde évanescente exaltée par les effets de plasmonique. 39è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019), Jul 2019, Palaiseau, France. ⟨hal-02431519⟩
  • Warda Raiah, Mohammed Guendouz, Joël Charrier, V. Thomy, Yannick Coffinier. Detection of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a Sarin simulant, by FT-IR and SALDI-MS on decorated porous silicon layer. Journées SCOPe 2019, Jun 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02431521⟩
  • Xavier Insou, Laurent Provino, Adil Haboucha, David Landais, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Silica Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber for Harsh Environment Mid-IR Sensing Applications. Journées du GDR NanoTeraMIR, Jun 2019, Saint-Raphaël, France. ⟨hal-02431513⟩
  • Aldo Gutiérrez, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Emeline Baudet, Marion Baillieul, et al.. Photonic integrated circuits based on Chalcogenide films for Mid-Infrared applications. Journées du GDR NanoTeraMIR, Jun 2019, Saint-Raphaël, France. ⟨hal-02431510⟩
  • Maxime Duris, Damien Deubel, Loïc Bodiou, Claude Vaudry, Jean-Claude Keromnès, et al.. Study of vertical multilayer structures based on Germanium and Zinc Sulphide films for mid-Infrared applications. Journées du GDR NanoTeraMIR, Jun 2019, Saint-Raphaël, France. ⟨hal-02431516⟩
  • Simone Normani, Emeline Baudet, Geoffrey Louvet, Florent Starecki, Patrice Camy, et al.. Er3+-doped Ga-Ge-Sb-S Thin Films: A Comparative Study of Sputtering and Pulsed Laser Deposition Techniques. 41st PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Jun 2019, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-02431496⟩
  • Dario Laneve, Mario Christian Falconi, Giuseppe Palma, Virginie Nazabal, Florent Starecki, et al.. Rare earth doped integrated microcavities for active sensing applications. 41st PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Jun 2019, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-02431451⟩
  • Geoffrey Louvet, Nora Abdellaoui, Julien Ari, Emeline Baudet, Florent Starecki, et al.. MWIR and LWIR Emissions of Rare Earth Doped Chalcogenide Glasses and Waveguides Devoted to Optical Sensors. 41st PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Jun 2019, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-02431490⟩
  • Geoffrey Louvet, Emeline Baudet, Simone Normani, Florent Starecki, Patrice Camy, et al.. Er3+-doped Ga-Ge-Sb-S glass thin films by PVD deposition. 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019), Jun 2019, Boston, United States. ⟨hal-02431481⟩
  • Johann Troles, Marcello Meneghetti, Celine Caillaud, Laurent Brilland, Sébastien Venck, et al.. Fabrication of low loss chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers for Mid-IR QCL pigtailing. 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019), Jun 2019, Boston, United States. ⟨hal-02431469⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Geoffrey Louvet, Simone Normani, Emeline Baudet, et al.. Design of a mid-infrared multispecies gas sensor based on Pr 3+-doped chalcogenides waveguides. Photonics North 2019, May 2019, Québec, Canada. ⟨hal-02431507⟩
  • Nessim Jebali, Enguerran Delcourt, Loïc Bodiou, Marion Baillieul, Emeline Baudet, et al.. Study of integrated nonlinear optical devices based on chalcogenide layers. Photonics North 2019, May 2019, Québec, Canada. ⟨hal-02431499⟩
  • Johann Trolès, Laurent Brilland, Celine Caillaud, Sébastien Venck, Jean-Luc Adam, et al.. Single-mode chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers: A solution for mid-IR fibered QCL (Conference Presentation). SPIE Photonics West - LASE 2019, Feb 2019, San Francisco, United States. pp.1089912, ⟨10.1117/12.2506617⟩. ⟨hal-02431457⟩
  • Jean-Luc Adam, Virginie Nazabal, Florent Starecki, Radwan Chahal, Braud Alain, et al.. Mid-Infared sources based on rare-earth-doped chalcogenide glass waveguides. 10th International Conference on f-Elements (ICFE-10), Sep 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland. ⟨hal-02431532⟩
  • Johann Troles, Celine Caillaud, Laurent Brilland, Sébastien Venck, Jean-Luc Adam, et al.. Chalcogenide microstructured optical fibers for Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Laser pigtailing. 8th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA 2018), Aug 2018, Maresias, Brazil. ⟨hal-02431530⟩
  • Gilles Renversez, Virginie Nazabal, Joël Charrier, Guillaume Demésy. Full-vector finite element 3D model for waveguide-based plasmonic sensors in the infrared. OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018 (APC 2018), Jul 2018, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.SeW1E.6, ⟨10.1364/SENSORS.2018.SeW1E.6⟩. ⟨hal-01875217⟩
  • Marion Baillieul, Tomáš Halenkovič, Aldo Gutierrez, Emeline Baudet, Emmanuel Rinnert, et al.. Infrared-Sensor Based on Selenide Waveguide Devoted to Water Pollution. 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2018), Jul 2018, Bucharest, Romania. ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473739⟩. ⟨hal-01939025⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Paul Azuelos, Nathalie Lorrain, Parastesh Pirasteh, M. Guendouz, et al.. Multilayer structures based on porous silicon for photonic applications in the mid-infrared. 11th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 2018 Conference (PSST 2018), Mar 2018, La Grande Motte, France. ⟨hal-01891935⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Emeline Baudet, Marion Baillieul, et al.. Development of integrated platform based on chalcogenides for sensing applications in the mid-infrared. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2018, Jan 2018, San Francisco, United States. pp.1053513, ⟨10.1117/12.2288783⟩. ⟨hal-01835066⟩
  • Walid El Ayed, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Yannick Dumeige, Isabelle Hardy, et al.. Rare-earth-doped selenide ridge waveguides and microdisks on pedestal for integrated mid-infrared light sources. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2018, Jan 2018, San Francisco, United States. pp.10535-87. ⟨hal-02431528⟩
  • Jonathan Lemaitre, Parastesh Pirasteh, Paul Azuelos, Pauline Girault, Walid El Ayed, et al.. Development of optical integrated devices by the CCLO platform. 5è Journées Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en micro-nanofabrication (JNTE 2017), Nov 2017, Orléans, France. ⟨hal-02431687⟩
  • Walid El Ayed, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Aldo Gutierrez, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Développement d'une source optique intégrée émettant dans le moyen infra-rouge à partir de verres de chalcogénure dopés par des ions de terres rares. 37è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017), Jul 2017, Limoges, France. ⟨hal-02431554⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Aldo Gutierrez, Walid El Ayed, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Optiques intégrées à base de verres de chalcogénure pour des applications dans le proche et le moyen infra-rouge. 37è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017), Jul 2017, Limoges, France. ⟨hal-02431631⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Loïc Bodiou, Aldo Gutierrez, Jonathan Lemaitre, Emeline Baudet, et al.. Développement de dispositifs optiques intégrés pour le Moyen Infra-Rouge. GDR Nanotechnologie, Jun 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02431690⟩
  • Maxime Duris, Damien Deubel, Loïc Bodiou, Claude Vaudry, Jean-Claude Keromnès, et al.. E-beam deposition of Germanium and Zinc Sulphide thin films and multilayered structures for mid-infrared applications. GDR Nanotechnologie pour le THz et le MIR, Jun 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02431681⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Paul Azuelos, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Luiz Poffo, et al.. Integrated racetrack micro-resonator based on porous silicon ridge waveguides for sensing application. European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2017 (E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting), May 2017, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-01588493⟩
  • Maxime Duris, Damien Deubel, Loïc Bodiou, Claude Vaudry, Jean-Claude Keromnès, et al.. E-beam deposition of Germanium and Zinc Sulphide thin films and multilayered structures for mid-Infrared applications. European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2017 (E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting), May 2017, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-02431624⟩
  • Emeline Baudet, Aldo Gutierrez, Marion Baillieul, Emmanuel Rinnert, Petr Nemec, et al.. Infrared sensor for water pollution and monitoring. SPIE Optics+Optoelectronics, Apr 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.102310S, ⟨10.1117/12.2264899⟩. ⟨hal-01581222⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Aldo Gutierrez, Walid El Ayed, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Rare-earth doped selenides active waveguides for integrated mid-infrared sensing applications. 19th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2017), Apr 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ⟨hal-02431621⟩
  • Sy Dat Le, Enguerran Delcourt, Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, Paul Azuelos, et al.. Micro-lensed fibers for coupling optimization in optical fibers and photonic integrated circuits. 9th International Conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA 2016), Nov 2016, Ninh Binh City, Vietnam. ⟨hal-01486788⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Sy Dat Le, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Study of self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing in chalcogenide ridge waveguides. 9th International Conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA 2016), Nov 2016, Ninh Binh City, Vietnam. ⟨hal-02429544⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Yannick Dumeige, Jonathan Lemaitre, Joël Charrier, Francesco Prudenzano, et al.. Design of rare-earth doped chalcogenide microresonators for biosensing in Mid-IR. 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016), Jul 2016, Trento, Italy. pp.We.P.13, ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2016.7550635⟩. ⟨hal-01367255⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Isabelle Hardy, Joël Charrier, et al.. Développement d’une plateforme en optique intégrée en verres de chalcogénures pour le moyen infrarouge. OPTIQUE Bordeaux 2016 - 36è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'36), Jul 2016, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-02429549⟩
  • Guiseppe Palma, Mario Christian Falconi, Florent Starecki, Virginie Nazabal, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Rare-Earth Doped Microdisks for Mid-Infrared Applications. Fotonica, Jun 2016, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-02429531⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Isabelle Hardy, Joël Charrier, et al.. Integrated Platform in Chalcogenide Glasses for Optical Sensing in the Mid-InfraRed. 18th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2016), May 2016, Warsaw, Poland. ⟨hal-01508096⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Aldo Gutiérrez, Yannick Dumeige, Isabelle Hardy, et al.. Mid-infrared optical properties of integrated Pr3+-doped chalcogenides ridge waveguides. European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2016 (E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting), May 2016, Lille, France. ⟨hal-01337456⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Qingyuan Gu, Maud Guézo, Enguerran Delcourt, Thomas Batte, et al.. Optical properties of integrated waveguides incorporating semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes . European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2016 (E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting), May 2016, Lille, France. ⟨hal-01337458⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Luiz Poffo, Jonathan Lemaitre, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Integrated Racetrack Mocro-Resonator Based On Porous Silicon Ridge Waveguides. 10th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 2016 Conference (PSST 2016), Mar 2016, Tarragona, Spain. ⟨hal-01588488⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Pauline Girault, Mohammed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Light propagation in porous silicon planar waveguides at 7.8 µm. 10th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 2016 Conference (PSST 2016), Mar 2016, Tarragona, Spain. ⟨hal-02429489⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez Arroyo, Emeline Baudet, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Isabelle Hardy, et al.. Capteur en Optique Intégrée à Base de Verres de Chalcogénures pour la Détection de Polluants dans le Moyen-Infrarouge . 14ème Colloque international francophone sur les Méthodes et techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie (CMOI 2015), Nov 2015, Pleumeur-Bodou, France. pp.166-168. ⟨hal-01261940⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Loïc Bodiou, Luiz Poffo, Nathalie Lorrain, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Développement des différentes plateformes en optique intégrée depuis ces dernières années. 14ème Colloque international francophone sur les Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie / 16ème congrès français du club FLUVISU/SFO (CMOI-FLUVISU 2015), Nov 2015, Pleumeur-Bodou, France. pp.18-22. ⟨hal-01507677⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Luiz Poffo, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Réalisation de micro-résonateurs intégrés en polymères et silice poreuse pour des capteurs optiques. 14ème Colloque international francophone sur les Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie / 16ème congrès français du club FLUVISU/SFO (CMOI-FLUVISU 2015), Nov 2015, Pleumeur Bodou, France. ⟨hal-01278357⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Loïc Bodiou, Joël Charrier, Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, et al.. Etude théorique de l’efficacité de conversion d’un mélange à quatre ondes dans des micro-résonateurs intégrés en verres de chalcogénures. 14ème Colloque international francophone sur les Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie / 16ème congrès français du club FLUVISU/SFO (CMOI-FLUVISU 2015), Nov 2015, Pleumeur-Bodou, France. pp.171-176. ⟨hal-02429366v2⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Luiz Poffo, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Réalisation de micro-résonateurs intégrés en polymères et silice poreuse pour des capteurs optiques. 14ème Colloque international francophone sur les Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie / 16ème congrès français du club FLUVISU/SFO (CMOI-FLUVISU 2015), Club CMOI - Société Française d'Optique, Nov 2015, Pleumeur-Bodou, France. pp.190-194. ⟨hal-01585621⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Qingyuan Gu, Maud Guezo, Enguerran Delcourt, Thomas Batte, et al.. Luminescence guidée dans des guides d’onde intégrés incorporant des nanotubes de carbone. Optique Bretagne 2015 - 35è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02429456⟩
  • Jonathan Lemaitre, Loïc Bodiou, Enguerran Delcourt, Aldo Gutierrez, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Développement de circuits optiques intégrés à partir de matériaux spécifiques. Optique Bretagne 2015 - 35è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02429420⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Jonathan Lemaitre, Emeline Baudet, Loïc Bodiou, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Etude de microrésonateurs intégrés en hippodrome à base de verres de chalcogénure à 1.55 µm pour des applications en optique non linéaire. Optique Bretagne 2015 - 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02429403⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Luiz Poffo, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Micro-résonateur intégré à base d'une plateforme optique en silice poreuse. 2è journées SemiConducteurs et Oxyde Poreux (SCOPe 2015), Jun 2015, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-01588928⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Emeline Baudet, Frederic Verger, Herve Lhermite, Joël Charrier, et al.. Optical Microsensor Devices Based on Chalcogenide Materials. 6th International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM 2014), Aug 2014, Singapour, Singapore. ⟨hal-01056255⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Emeline Baudet, Radwan Chahal, Florent Starecki, Catherine Boussard-Plédel, et al.. Chalcogenide glasses for mid-IR photonic applications. IEEE Photonics Society 2014 Summer Topical Meeting Series (PHOSST 2014), Jul 2014, Montréal, Canada. pp.45-46, ⟨10.1109/SUM.2014.34⟩. ⟨hal-01020712⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Michel Cathelinaud, Bruno Bureau, Joël Charrier, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Heterostructures Based on Chalcogenide Glasses for Photonic Applications. 13th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2014), Jun 2014, Montecatini Terme, Italy. ⟨hal-01020806⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Frédéric Verger, Emeline Baudet, Hervé Lhermite, Joël Charrier, et al.. Chalcogenide Glasses Developed for Optical Micro-sensor Devices. Materials Science & Technology 2013, Oct 2013, Montréal (QC), Canada. ⟨hal-00856748⟩
  • Emeline Baudet, Virginie Nazabal, Emmanuel Rinnert, Florent Colas, Chantal Compère, et al.. Development of (GeSe2)100-x (Sb2Se3)x glasses and sputtered films for micro-sensors devices. E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING, Jul 2013, Warsaw, Poland. ⟨hal-00846728⟩
  • Petr Nemec, Joël Charrier, Radwan Chahal, Michel Cathelinaud, M. Allix, et al.. Réalisation de structures optiques verticales en verres de chalcogénure pour des applications dans le proche et moyen infrarouge. 32è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2013), Jul 2013, Paris, France. pp.113. ⟨hal-00939373⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Adel Najar, Parastesh Pirasteh. Propriétés optiques et physiques des couches de nanofils de silicium poreux pour des applications photovoltaïques. Optique 2013 / Horizons de l'optique - Club Nanophotonique, Jul 2013, Paris, France. pp.143. ⟨hal-00939120⟩
  • Julien Cardin, Alexandre Fafin, Chuan-Hui Liang, Christian Dufour, Olivier Debieu, et al.. Nanostructured silicon and rare earth based gain media for compact infra-red light source: experimental and theoretical investigations. 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013), Jun 2013, Suntec, Singapore. ⟨hal-01141522⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Jean-Louis Doualan, Radwan Chahal, Frédéric Charpentier, Patrice Camy, et al.. Rare earth doped chalcogenide optical waveguide. 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Jun 2013, San Diego, United States. ⟨hal-00846748⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Mohammed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, Loic Bodiou, Luiz Poffo, et al.. Technologie d'optique intégrée au laboratoire Foton. Journées Thématiques GDR Ondes : "RF/millimétrique et optique intégrée", Jan 2013, Grenoble, France. ⟨hal-00939106⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Adel Najar, Parastesh Pirasteh, R. Sougrat. Development of porous silicon nanowires for photovoltaic application : Optical and physical characterizations.. BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (Nano-S&T 2012), Oct 2012, Qingdao, China. ⟨hal-00744886⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh, Jean-Louis Doualan, Patrice Camy, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Rare Earth doped silicon based nanostructures for optoelectronic applications : moving data with silicon and light. BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (Nano-S&T 2012), Oct 2012, Qingdao, China. ⟨hal-00744888⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Jean-Louis Doualan, Patrice Camy, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Etudes de guides actifs en nitrure de silicium enrichi en silicium et dopé par des ions néodymes pour une cavité laser a 1.06 µm. 31èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012), Jul 2012, Lyon, France. pp.90-92. ⟨hal-00724441⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh, R. Sougrat. Etude de matériaux nanostructurés pour leur très faible réflectance : couches de nanofils en silicium poreux. 31èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012), Jul 2012, Lyon, France. pp.P7. ⟨hal-00724455⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Marie-Laure Brandily, Hervé Lhermite, Karine Michel, Bruno Bureau, et al.. Développement d'un microcapteur a onde évanescente a base de verre de chalcogénure pour le proche et moyen-infrarouge. 31èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012), Jul 2012, Lyon, France. pp.P8. ⟨hal-00724454⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Frédéric Charpentier, Frédéric Verger, Hervé Lhermite, Joël Charrier, et al.. Optical sensor based on chalcogenide glasses for IR detection of bio-chemical entities. 10th International Conference Solid State Chemistry (SSC 2012 ), Jun 2012, Pardubice, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-00692497⟩
  • Joël Charrier. Development of evanescent wave optical microsensor based on chalchogenide glass for near and mid-infrared wavelength range. Guided Optics & Sensor Systems (GO2S), 2012, St Etienne, France. ⟨hal-00711174⟩
  • Marie-Laure Brandily, Virginie Nazabal, Frédéric Charpentier, Hervé Lhermite, Joël Charrier, et al.. Monitoring of the geological storage of CO2 using chalcogenide waveguides. 2011 Glass & Optical Materials Division Spring Meeting (GOMD 2011), May 2011, Savannah, United States. ⟨hal-00578868⟩
  • Shaoqian Zhang, Virginie Nazabal, Petr Nemec, Anne-Marie Jurdyc, Frédéric Charpentier, et al.. Optical planar and rib waveguide of Er3+-doped Ga-Ge-Sb-S (Se) thin films deposited by PLD. IUMRS-ICA 2010, Sep 2010, Qingdao, China. ⟨hal-00522916⟩
  • Nathalie Lorrain, Adel Najar, Hosni Ajlani, Joël Charrier, Meherzi Oueslati, et al.. Guides d'onde optiques plans à base de silicium poreux dopés aux ions Er3+. Séminaire PONANT 2010, Jul 2010, Rennes, France. pp.12-14. ⟨hal-01150796⟩
  • Marie-Laure Brandily-Anne, Frédéric Charpentier, Hervé Lhermitte, Joël Charrier, Bruno Bureau, et al.. Chalcogenide waveguides integrated microfluidic sensor device. 2010 Glass & Optical Materials Division Spring Meeting (GOMD 2010), May 2010, New York, United States. ⟨hal-00491165⟩
  • Fabrice Gourbilleau, C. Dufour, J. Cardin, Olivier Debieu, Jean-Louis Doualan, et al.. Dispositifs Appliqués à la Photonique à base de Néodyme et de Silicium. Journées Nationales en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies, Oct 2009, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-00585194⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Frederic Charpentier, Patrice Camy, Jean-Louis Doualan, Bruno Bureau, et al.. Rare-earth doped chalcogenide optical waveguide in near and mid-IR for optical potential application. 12th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS XII), Sep 2009, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. ⟨hal-00389255⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Petr Nemec, Patrice Camy, Joël Charrier, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Guide d'onde de sulfures à base de germanium dopé Er3+ pour amplification dans le proche et moyen-IR. 28èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.318-320. ⟨hal-00491455⟩
  • Khalida Messaad, Duc Minh Nguyen, Joël Charrier, Stéphane Trebaol, Yannick Dumeige, et al.. Composants et fonctions optiques Applications aux télécommunications et à l'émission de lumière. Colloque National de la Recherche en IUT (CNRIUT), Jun 2009, Lille, France. ⟨hal-00585191⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Patrice Camy, Petr Nemec, Joël Charrier, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Erbium doped germanium based sulphide optical waveguide amplifi er for near- and mid-IR. SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2009, May 2009, Dresden, Germany. pp.73661T, ⟨10.1117/12.821542⟩. ⟨hal-00389076⟩
  • Frédéric Charpentier, Bruno Bureau, Johann Troles, Virginie Nazabal, Quentin Coulombier, et al.. Infrared optical sensor for CO2 detection. SPIE Optics+Optoelectronics 2009, Apr 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.735610, ⟨10.1117/12.820359⟩. ⟨hal-00389139⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Yann G. Boucher, Michel Gadonna. Miroirs de Bragg et microcavités en silicium poreux : effet de l'oxydation. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.52-54. ⟨hal-00358598⟩
  • Frederic Charpentier, Bruno Bureau, Virginie Nazabal, Frederic Smektala, Johann Troles, et al.. Guides optiques infrarouges pour la détection du CO2. 27èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2008), Oct 2008, Lannion, France. pp.337-339. ⟨hal-00358564⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Frédéric Charpentier, Marie-Laure Anne, Jean-Luc Adam, Hervé Lhermite, et al.. Chalcogenides Films: New Development of Optical Coatings and Waveguides. 2nd International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics / 1st International Conference on Science and Technology of Solid Surface and Interface (STAC-STSI), May 2008, Chiba, Japan. ⟨hal-00283898⟩
  • Virginie Nazabal, Michel Cathelinaud, Frédéric Charpentier, Wee-Dong Shen, Petr Nemec, et al.. Chalcogenide films for photosensitive band-pass filters and opto-chemical sensors application. SPIE Photonics West 2008, Jan 2008, San Jose, CA, United States. pp.6890-11. ⟨hal-00288127⟩
  • Marie-Laure Anne, Virginie Nazabal, Jean-Luc Adam, P. Nemec, M. Frumar, et al.. Fabrication and characterization of chalcogenide glass planar waveguide for IR spectral range. XXIst International Congress on Glass (ICG 2007), Jul 2007, Strasbourg, France. pp.CD version only. ⟨hal-00260965⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, H. Ajlani, Nathalie Lorrain, Severine Haesaert, et al.. Optical gain at 1.53 µm in Er3+-Yb3+ codoped oxidised porous silicon waveguides. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2007 (E-MRS Spring Meeting 2007), Jun 2007, Strasbourg, France. pp.260-263, ⟨10.1016/j.mseb.2007.07.085⟩. ⟨hal-00275921⟩
  • Mohamed Dribek, Joël Charrier, Mohammed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, Lazhar Haji. Fonctionnalisation des couches de silicium poreux par silanisation pour la conception d'un biocapteur. Nanomatériaux surfaces et objets fonctionnalisés (NANOSOFT), May 2007, Roscoff, France. ⟨hal-00499289⟩
  • Marie-Laure Anne, Virginie Nazabal, Virginie Moizan, Catherine Boussard-Plédel, Bruno Bureau, et al.. Chalcogenide waveguide for IR optical range. SPIE Photonics West 2007, Feb 2007, San Jose, CA, United States. pp.647508, ⟨10.1117/12.700526⟩. ⟨hal-00162517⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, H. Ajlani, Nathalie Lorrain, Mehrezi Oueslati, et al.. Guides canaux en silicium poreux dopé Erbium : propriétés optiques. 25èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2006), Oct 2006, Metz, France. pp.288-290. ⟨hal-00499273⟩
  • Chengxin Pang, Aurélien Bruyant, Ilan Stefanon, Sylvain Blaize, Gilles Lerondel, et al.. Light propagation in oxidised porous silicon channel waveguides by scattering-type heterodyne scanning near-field optical microscopy. 9th International conference on near-field optics, nanophotonics and related techniques (NFO-9), Sep 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland. p.405. ⟨hal-00276157⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier, H. Ajlani, Nathalie Lorrain, Habib Elhouichet, et al.. Réalisation et Etude de Guides d'Onde en Matériaux NanoPoreux dopés Er pour l'Amplification Optique. Journées Nanosciences de Bretagne (JNB), Jun 2006, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-00499292⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joel Charrier, Hosni Ajlani, Nathalie Lorrain, Habib Elhouichet, et al.. Optical properties of erbium doped porous silicon waveguides. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2006 (E-MRS Spring Meeting 2006), Jun 2006, Nice, France. pp.245-248, ⟨10.1016/j.jlumin.2006.08.072⟩. ⟨hal-00154121⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joel Charrier, Yann G. Boucher, Yannick Dumeige. A new approach based on transfer matrix formalism to characterize porous silicon layers by reflectometry. Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 5th international conference (PSST 2006), Mar 2006, Sitges-Barcelona, Spain. pp.1971-1975, ⟨10.1002/pssc.200674345⟩. ⟨hal-00154063⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Pierre Joubert, Severine Haesaert, et al.. Further results on porous silicon optical waveguides at 1.55 µm. Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 5th international conference (PSST 2006), Mar 2006, Sitges-Barcelona, Spain. pp.1346-1350, ⟨10.1002/pssa.200674333⟩. ⟨hal-00153808⟩
  • Annick Chaillou, Joël Charrier, Nathalie Lorrain, Michel Sarret, Lazhar Haji. POROUS SILICON AMMONIA GAS SENSOR. SPIE Photonics Europe 2006, Mar 2006, Strasbourg, France. ⟨10.1117/12.663636⟩. ⟨hal-00153811⟩
  • Aurélien Bruyant, Ilan Stefanon, Gilles Lerondel, Sylvain Blaize, Sébastien Aubert, et al.. Propagation de la lumière dans des guides à base de silicium poreux: observation en champ proche et analyse modale. 23èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2004), 25-27 octobre 2004, Oct 2004, Paris, France. pp.239-241. ⟨hal-00154111⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Severine Haesaert, Pierre Joubert, et al.. Guides planaires en matériaux poreux: études expérimentale et théorique des pertes optiques. 23èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2004), 25-27 octobre 2004, Oct 2004, Paris, France. pp.319-321. ⟨hal-00154096⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joel Charrier, Yannick Dumeige, Pierre Joubert, Severine Haesaert, et al.. Light propagation and scattering in porous silicon nanocomposite waveguides. Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 4th international conference (PSST 2004), Mar 2004, Cullera-Valencia, Spain. pp.1417-1421, ⟨10.1002/pssa.200461238⟩. ⟨hal-00154055⟩
  • Paola Rivolo, Annick Chaillou, Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Pierre Joubert. Capteurs chimiques de gaz à base de guide d'ondes en silicium poreux oxydé. 22èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2003), 12-14 novembre 2003, Nov 2003, Valence, France. pp.347-349. ⟨hal-00153986⟩
  • Parastesh Pirasteh, Joël Charrier, Mohammed Guendouz, Annick Chaillou, Lazhar Haji, et al.. Guides optiques en silicium poreux : technologie et perspectives. 21èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2002), Sep 2002, Dijon, France. pp.134-136. ⟨hal-00152004⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh, Nicole Pedrono, Pierre Joubert, Lazhar Haji, et al.. Thermo-optic properties of oxidised porous silicon impregnated with index-matching liquids for active optical components. Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 3th international conference (PSST 2002), Mar 2002, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain. pp.288-292, ⟨10.1002/pssa.200306483⟩. ⟨hal-00151998⟩
  • Joël Charrier, Cyril Lupi, Lazhar Haji, Eric Tanguy, Christian Boisrobert. Graded and step index buried optical waveguides fabricated from p-type porous silicon : Processing and measurements. 5th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference, Sep 1999, Nantes, France. pp.96. ⟨hal-00935113⟩

Poster de conférence

  • Paul Azuelos, Fabien Cassio, Nathalie Lorrain, Parastesh Pirasteh, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Capteur optique intégré à effet Vernier en polymères. 39è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019), Jul 2019, Palaiseau, France. ⟨hal-02400018⟩
  • Paul Azuelos, Nathalie Lorrain, M. Guendouz, Parastesh Pirasteh, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Toward hybrid polymer-porous silicon waveguides for Vernier-effect optical biosensors. 11th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology 2018 Conference (PSST 2018), Mar 2018, La Grande Motte, France. ⟨hal-01891918⟩
  • Jonathan Lemaitre, Aldo Gutierrez, Enguerran Delcourt, Walid El Ayed, Parastesh Pirasteh, et al.. Chalcogenides photonic integrated circuits for near- and mid-infrared applications. 19th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2017), Apr 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands., Poster Session WP1, 2017 Proceedings. ⟨hal-02274871⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Emeline Baudet, Marion Baillieul, et al.. Mid-Infrared chemical sensing using a chalcogenide integrated transducer. 19th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2017), Apr 2017, Eindhoven, Netherlands., Poster Session WP1, 2017 Proceedings. ⟨hal-02431618⟩
  • Luiz Poffo, Pauline Girault, Nathalie Lorrain, Jonathan Lemaitre, Mohammed Guendouz, et al.. Integrated racetrack micro-resonator based on porous silicon ridge waveguides. 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016), Jul 2016, Trento, Italy. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2016, ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2016.7550641⟩. ⟨hal-01486870⟩
  • Aldo Gutierrez, Jonathan Lemaitre, Pauline Girault, Mohammed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, et al.. Study of Ridge Waveguide Based on Porous Silicon Layers at 7.8 µm. 18th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2016), May 2016, Warsow, Poland., p-06, 2015, 2016 Proceedings. ⟨hal-02399636⟩
  • Aldo Gutiérrez, Emeline Baudet, Loïc Bodiou, Jonathan Lemaitre, Isabelle Hardy, et al.. Développement d'une plate-forme optique intégrée à base de verres de chalcogénures pour des applications capteurs dans le moyen infra-rouge. Optique Bretagne 2015 - 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-01261941⟩
  • Pauline Girault, Aldo Gutierrez, Emeline Baudet, Nathalie Lorrain, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Développement de capteurs en optique intégrée pour le proche et moyen infra-rouge. 5è Journées Guided Optics & Sensor Systems (GO2S 2015), Mar 2015, Saint-Etienne, France. ⟨hal-02399679⟩
  • Christiane Carré, Joël Charrier, Mohammed Guendouz, Nathalie Lorrain, Loïc Bodiou, et al.. Technologie d'optique intégrée polymère au laboratoire FOTON. SFO. 2ème Journées Nationales de Photonique Organique 2014 (JNPO), Sep 2014, Strasbourg, France. , HAL (, 2014, Actes des 2ème Journées Nationales de Photonique Organique. ⟨hal-01084478⟩
  • Enguerran Delcourt, Loïc Bodiou, Joël Charrier, Sylvain Achelle, Jonathan Lemaitre, et al.. Integrated polymer waveguides incorporating nonlinear chromophores for all-optical signal processing. 17th European Conference on Integrated Optics & 19th MicroOptics Conference (ECIO-MOC 2014), Jun 2014, Nice, France. ,, pp.P007, 2014, 2014 Proceedings. ⟨hal-01146713⟩
  • Loïc Bodiou, Joël Charrier, Jonathan Lemaitre, Enguerran Delcourt, Dominique Bosc, et al.. Carbon nanotubes incorporated-hybrid waveguides for photonics applications. 17th European Conference on Integrated Optics & 19th MicroOptics Conference (ECIO-MOC 2014), Jun 2014, Nice, France. ,, pp.P009, 2014, 2014 Proceedings. ⟨hal-01144745⟩

Proceedings/Recueil des communications

  • Loïc Bodiou, Pramitha Kamath, Jean-Claude Simon, Monique Thual, Julie Stervinou, et al.. Development of a SiON-based integrated platform for the blue/near-UV wavelength range. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 12148, SPIE; SPIE, pp.7, 2022, Integrated Photonics Platforms II (SPIE Photonics Europe 2022), ⟨10.1117/12.2621759⟩. ⟨hal-03964863⟩

Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Joël Charrier, Parastesh Pirasteh. Chapter 9: Optical Properties of Mesoporous Silicon/Silicon Oxide and the Light Propagation in these Materials. Comprehensive Guide for Mesoporous Materials, 3, Nova Science Publishers, pp.241-270, 2015, Properties and Development, 978-1-63463-318-5. ⟨hal-02429466⟩
  • Adel Najar, Joël Charrier. Chapter 9: Study of Mesoporous Silicon Nanowires. Comprehensive Guide for Mesoporous Materials, 2, Nova Science Publishers, pp.201-224, 2015, Analysis and Functionalization, 978-1-63463-982-8. ⟨hal-02429469⟩

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