BECK Alexandre

Maître de conférences

Équipe OHM Plateforme nanoRennes


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Production scientifique

88 documents

Articles dans une revue

  • Soline Boyer-Richard, Fei Fan, Nicolas Chevalier, Antoine Létoublon, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Preliminary study of selective contacts for hot carrier solar cells. EPJ Photovoltaics, 2024, 15, pp.38. ⟨10.1051/epjpv/2024031⟩. ⟨hal-04795165v2⟩
  • Soline Boyer-Richard, Fei Fan, Alexandre Beck, Christophe Levallois, Karine Tavernier, et al.. Investigation of III-V GaP solar cell on silicon substrate. EPJ Photovoltaics, 2023, 14, pp.31. ⟨10.1051/epjpv/2023020⟩. ⟨hal-04272906⟩
  • Lipin Chen, Yoan Léger, Gabriel Loget, Mekan Piriyev, Imen Jadli, et al.. Epitaxial III–V/Si Vertical Heterostructures with Hybrid 2D‐Semimetal/Semiconductor Ambipolar and Photoactive Properties. Advanced Science, 2022, 9 (2), pp.2101661. ⟨10.1002/advs.202101661⟩. ⟨hal-03426793⟩
  • Kevin Nay, Christelle Koechlin Ramonatxo, Rochdi Sarraj, Marie-Laure Island, Luz Orfila, et al.. Simulated microgravity disturbs iron metabolism and distribution in humans: Lessons from dry immersion, an innovative ground-based human model. FASEB Journal, 2020, 34 (11), pp.14920-14929. ⟨10.1096/fj.202001199RR⟩. ⟨hal-02946797⟩
  • Rasool Saleem-Urothodi, Julie Le Pouliquen, Tony Rohel, Rozenn Bernard, Christelle Pareige, et al.. Loss assessment in random crystal polarity gallium phosphide microdisks grown on silicon. Optics Letters, 2020, 45 (16), pp.4646. ⟨10.1364/OL.399935⟩. ⟨hal-02926153⟩
  • Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, Charles Cornet, Alexandre Beck, Yoan Léger. Dual wavelength evanescent coupler for nonlinear GaP-based microdisk resonators. OSA Continuum, 2020, 3 (1), pp.43-49. ⟨10.1364/OSAC.3.000043⟩. ⟨hal-02452092⟩
  • Philipp Latzel, Fabio Pavanello, Maximilien Billet, Sara Bretin, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Generation of mW level in the 300-GHz band using resonant-cavity-enhanced unitraveling carrier photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2017, 7 (6), pp.800-807. ⟨10.1109/TTHZ.2017.2756059⟩. ⟨hal-03286186⟩
  • Jean-Pierre Landesman, Juan Jimenez, Christophe Levallois, Frédéric Pommereau, Cesare Frigeri, et al.. Defect formation during chlorine-based dry etching and their effects on the electronic and structural properties of InP/InAsP quantum wells. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2016, 34 (4), pp.041304. ⟨10.1116/1.4950445⟩. ⟨hal-01372796⟩
  • Laurent Pedesseau, Mikael Kepenekian, Daniel Sapori, Yong Huang, Alain Rolland, et al.. Dielectric properties of hybrid perovskites and drift-diffusion modeling of perovskite cells. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2016, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices V, 9743, pp.97430N. ⟨10.1117/12.2214007⟩. ⟨hal-01292186⟩
  • Jacky Even, Daniel Sapori, Laurent Pedesseau, Alain Rolland, Mikael Kepenekian, et al.. Theoretical insights into multibandgap hybrid perovskites for photovoltaic applications. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2015, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Emerging 2D Materials for Electronic and Photonic Devices VIII, 9552, pp.95520Z. ⟨10.1117/12.2191953⟩. ⟨hal-01417661⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Fabio Pavanello, Emilien Peytavit, Mohammed Zaknoune, et al.. THz communications using photonics and electronic devices: the race to data-rate. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2015, 36 (2), pp.198-220. ⟨10.1007/s10762-014-0112-x⟩. ⟨hal-03286167⟩
  • Jean-Pierre Landesman, Christophe Levallois, J. Jimenez, F. Pommereau, Yoan Léger, et al.. Evidence of chlorine ion penetration in InP/InAsP quantum well structures during dry etching processes and effects of induced-defects on the electronic and structural behaviour. Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF 2015), 55 (9-10), pp.1750-1753. ⟨10.1016/j.microrel.2015.07.029⟩. ⟨hal-01225634⟩
  • Antoine Rolland, Guillaume Ducournau, Gwennaël Danion, Goulc'Hen Loas, Marc Brunel, et al.. Narrow linewidth tunable terahertz radiation by photomixing without servo-locking. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2014, 4 (2), pp.260-266. ⟨10.1109/TTHZ.2013.2296144⟩. ⟨hal-00941862⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Alexandre Beck, Denis Bacquet, Fabio Pavanello, et al.. Ultrawide-bandwidth single-channel 0.4-THz wireless link combining broadband quasi-optic photomixer and coherent detection. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2014, 4, pp.328-337. ⟨10.1109/TTHZ.2014.2309006⟩. ⟨hal-00987955⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Denis Bacquet, P. Szriftgiser, Fabio Pavanello, Emilien Peytavit, et al.. Cascaded Brillouin fibre lasers coupled to unitravelling carrier photodiodes for narrow linewidth terahertz generation. Electronics Letters, 2014, 50 (9), pp.690-691. ⟨10.1049/el.2014.0521⟩. ⟨hal-01044685⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Fabio Pavanello, Alexandre Beck, L. Tohme, S. Blin, et al.. High-definition television transmission at 600 GHz combining THz photonics hotspot and high-sensitivity heterodyne receiver. Electronics Letters, 2014, 50 (5), pp.413-415. ⟨10.1049/el.2013.3796⟩. ⟨hal-00955223⟩
  • S y Kalmykov, S A Yi, Alexandre Beck, a F Lifschitz, X Davoine, et al.. Dark-current-free petawatt laser-driven wakefield accelerator based on electron self-injection into an expanding plasma bubble. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2011, 53 (1), pp.014006. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/53/1/014006⟩. ⟨hal-01164312⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Tahsin Akalin, Alexandre Beck, Denis Bacquet, et al.. Highly coherent terahertz wave generation with a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser and a 1.55 μm photomixer. Optics Letters, 2011, 36, pp.2044-2046. ⟨10.1364/OL.36.002044⟩. ⟨hal-00597082⟩
  • L. Prissette, Guillaume Ducournau, Tahsin Akalin, Emilien Peytavit, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Radiation pattern measurements of an integrated transverse electromagnetic horn antenna using a terahertz photomixing setup. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2011, 21, pp.49-51. ⟨10.1109/LMWC.2010.2088383⟩. ⟨hal-00572643⟩
  • X Davoine, Alexandre Beck, Agustin Lifschitz, Victor Malka, E Lefebvre. Cold injection for electron wakefield acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 2010, 12 (9), pp.095010. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/12/9/095010⟩. ⟨hal-01164334⟩
  • Sylwester Latkowski, Josué Parra-Cetina, Ramon Maldonado-Basilio, Pascal Landais, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. Analysis of a narrowband terahertz signal generated by a unitravelling carrier photodiode coupled with a dual-mode semiconductor Fabry-Pérot laser. Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, pp.241106-1-3. ⟨10.1063/1.3447931⟩. ⟨hal-00548701⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, Guillaume Ducournau, Emilien Peytavit, Jean-Francois Lampin. Terahertz photomixers based on ultra-wideband horn antennas. Comptes Rendus. Physique, 2010, 11, pp.472-479. ⟨10.1016/j.crhy.2010.05.006⟩. ⟨hal-00548958⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Denis Bacquet, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. Optically power supplied Gbit/s wireless hotspot using 1.55 µm THz photomixer and heterodyne detection at 200 GHz. Electronics Letters, 2010, 46, pp.1349-1350. ⟨10.1049/el.2010.2062⟩. ⟨hal-00548731⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Guillaume Ducournau, Mohammed Zaknoune, Emilien Peytavit, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. High-efficiency uni-travelling-carrier photomixer at 1.55 μm and spectroscopy application up to 1.4 THz. Electronics Letters, 2008, 44, pp.1320-1322. ⟨10.1049/el:20082219⟩. ⟨hal-00356950⟩
  • Emilien Peytavit, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, Jean-Francois Lampin, Francis Hindle, et al.. Continuous terahertz-wave generation using a monolithically integrated horn antenna. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93, pp.111108-1-3. ⟨10.1063/1.2983741⟩. ⟨hal-00356945⟩

Communications dans un congrès

  • Rasool Saleem Urothodi, Pierre Guillemé, Julie Le Pouliquen, Tony Rohel, Rozenn Bernard, et al.. GaP WGM microdisks for second order nonlinear optics. 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Jul 2024, Bari, Italy. pp.1-1, ⟨10.1109/icton62926.2024.10647803⟩. ⟨hal-04688508⟩
  • Charles Cornet, Lipin Chen, Mekan Piriyev, Gabriel Loget, Bruno Fabre, et al.. Hétéro-épitaxie III-V/Si : contrôle des propriétés des surfaces et interfaces pour la photo-électrochimie. 35èmes Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Jan 2022, Dijon (virtual), France. ⟨hal-03588378⟩
  • Charles Cornet, Lipin Chen, Mekan Piriyev, Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez, Gabriel Loget, et al.. Hybrid ambipolar 2D semimetal/semiconductor III-V/Si heterostructures: Promises for photonics, energy harvesting and electronics. Webinar on Materials science, engineering and technology - VEBLEO, VEBLEO international organization, Dec 2021, virtual, India. ⟨hal-03588366⟩
  • Lipin Chen, Yoan Léger, Gabriel Loget, Mekan Piriyev, Imen Jadli, et al.. III-V/Si photoelectrodes with ambipolar properties. 5èmes Journées des Carburants Solaires, Sep 2021, Saint Jacut de la Mer, France. ⟨hal-03408282⟩
  • Lipin Chen, Yoan Léger, Gabriel Loget, Mekan Piriyev, Imen Jadli, et al.. III-V/Si antiphase boundaries used as 2D-semimetallic topological vertical inclusions for solar hydrogen production. 21st International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (IC-MBE 2021), Sep 2021, Mexico (virtual), Mexico. ⟨hal-03392254⟩
  • Lipin Chen, Yoan Léger, Gabriel Loget, Mekan Piriyev, Imen Jadli, et al.. Robust 2D semimetallic inclusions boost performances of III-V/Si heterostructures for water-splitting. 17è Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC 17), Aug 2021, Rennes (virtual), France. ⟨hal-03402743⟩
  • Rasool Saleem-Urothodi, Julie Le Pouliquen, Tony Rohel, Rozenn Bernard, Christelle Velly-Pareige, et al.. Optical losses in GaP microdisks on Si with controlled random polarity. 17è Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC 17), Aug 2021, Rennes (virtual), France. ⟨hal-03402730⟩
  • Rasool S Urothodi, Julie Le Pouliquen, Tony Rohel, Rozenn Bernard, Christelle Velly-Pareige, et al.. High-Quality Factor Zinc-Blende III-V Microdisks on Silicon for Nonlinear Photonics. Compound Semiconductor Week 2021 (CSW 2021), May 2021, Stockholm, France. ⟨hal-03285528⟩
  • Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, C. Cornet, Alexandre Beck, Yoan Léger. Dual wavelength coupler for second-harmonic generation in gallium phosphide microdisks. International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Nov 2020, St-Petersburg, Russia. ⟨hal-03032222⟩
  • Rasool Saleem-Urothodi, Julie Le Pouliquen, Tony Rohel, Rozenn Bernard, Christelle Pareige, et al.. Crystal-polarity engineered gallium phosphide microdisks grown on silicon. IOP conference- PHOTON2020, Sep 2020, virtual, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-03032794⟩
  • Hamidreza Esmaielpour, Daniel Suchet, Laurent Lombez, Amaury Delamarre, Soline Boyer-Richard, et al.. Determination of photo-induced Seebeck coefficient for hot carrier solar cell applications. 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC 2020), Jun 2020, Calgary (virtual), Canada. pp.0747-0751, ⟨10.1109/PVSC45281.2020.9300544⟩. ⟨hal-03223077⟩
  • Rasool S Urothodi, Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, Julie Le Pouliquen, Olivier de Sagazan, Tony Rohel, et al.. Random crystal polarity of Gallium phosphide microdisks on silicon. Journées Nanomatériaux de Rennes, Jan 2020, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-03101371⟩
  • Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, Yoan Léger, Charles Cornet, Alexandre Beck. THz surface phonon polariton generation in GaP photonic waveguide. 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2019), Sep 2019, Paris, France. pp.19149231. ⟨hal-02363387⟩
  • C. Cornet, Lipin Chen, Alejandro Ruiz, Ida Lucci, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Monolithic integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon for photonics and solar hydrogen production. SPb Photonic, Optoelectronic, & Electronic Materials (SPb-POEM 2019), Apr 2019, St Petersburg, Russia. ⟨hal-02112743⟩
  • Charles Cornet, Ida Lucci, Lipin Chen, Alejandro Ruiz, Alexandre Beck, et al.. GaP-based materials on silicon for photonics and energy. Smart NanoMaterials 2018: Advances, Innovation and Applications (SNAIA2018), Dec 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01954362⟩
  • Jean-Pierre Landesman, Juan Jiménez, Christophe Levallois, Frédéric Pommereau, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Evidence of quantum confined stark effect due to doping profile in InAsP/InP quantum well structures and its modification by ion bombardment. 2016 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) [Includes 28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM) & 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS)], Jun 2016, Toyama, Japan. pp.1-1, ⟨10.1109/ICIPRM.2016.7528586⟩. ⟨hal-04195445⟩
  • Jacky Even, Laurent Pedesseau, Mikael Kepenekian, Alexandre Beck, Daniel Sapori, et al.. Theoretical and experimental insights into hybrid perovskites for optoelectronic applications. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2016, Feb 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp.9742-47. ⟨hal-01397608⟩
  • Laurent Pedesseau, Mikael Kepenekian, Daniel Sapori, Alain Rolland, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Dielectric properties of hybrid perovskites and drift-diffusion modelling of perovskite/silicon tandem cells. SPIE Photonics West - OPTO 2016, Feb 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp.9743-21. ⟨hal-01397746⟩
  • Ronan Tremblay, Yong Huang, Jean-Philippe Gauthier, Rozenn Piron, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Electroluminescence of InGaAs/GaP quantum dots and band engineering of AlGaP/GaP laser injection layers. Compound Semiconductor Week 2015 (CSW 2015), Jun 2015, Santa-Barbara, United States. ⟨hal-01147506⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Fabio Pavanello, Alexandre Beck, Lucie Tohme, Stéphane Blin, et al.. 600 GHz HD-TV transmission combining UTC-PD and heterodyne receiver. 2014 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), Sep 2014, Tucson, United States. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956123⟩. ⟨hal-02019954⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Denis Bacquet, P. Szriftgiser, Fabio Pavanello, Emilien Peytavit, et al.. Narrow linewidth generation at 1 THz using cascaded Brillouin fiber lasers and quasi-optic UTC-PD. 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), Sep 2014, Tucson, United States. ⟨10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956153⟩. ⟨hal-03286169⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Oscillateur Micro-Onde à THz Ultra-Stable. Journée du club Optique Micro-ondes, SFO, Jun 2014, Lannion, France. ⟨hal-01142066⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Fabio Pavanello, Philipp Latzel, Alexandre Beck, et al.. 22 Gbps wireless communication system at 0.4 THz. 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Sep 2013, Mainz, Germany. ⟨10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665491⟩. ⟨hal-03286171⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Microwave to terahertz ultra-stable oscillator. IEEE-UFFC, Jul 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-00881520⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Oscillateur micro-onde à térahertz ultra-stable. OPTIQUE 2013 : congrès de la SFO, Société française d'optique, Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France. ⟨hal-00926871⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Alexandre Beck, Denis Bacquet, Fabio Pavanello, et al.. 400 GHz wireless link with photonic transmitter and heterodyne electronic. International Workshop on Terahertz Science and Technology, OTST 2013, Apr 2013, Kyoto, Japan. paper F2B-1. ⟨hal-00811839⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, Anthony Carré, et al.. Dual frequency tunable laser system for a microwave and terahertz oscillator. 7th terahertz days, Mar 2013, Cargèse, France. ⟨hal-00906170⟩
  • Emilien Peytavit, Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. Photomixing THz sources : mW level and kHz linewidth. European Microwave Week 2013, Workshops and Short Courses, W12, EuMC & EuMIC, Terahertz Technologies - From Materials to Devices and Their Applications, 2013, Nuremberg, Germany. ⟨hal-00878926⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, Anthony Carré, et al.. High spectral purity microwave and terahertz oscillator. 6th Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/European Frequency and Time Forum, IFCS-EFTF 2013, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.40-42, ⟨10.1109/EFTF-IFC.2013.6702198⟩. ⟨hal-00944028⟩
  • Emilien Peytavit, Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Denis Bacquet, Alexandre Beck, et al.. [Invited] Photomixing THz sources : mW level and kHz linewidth. European Microwave Week, EuMC/EuMIC, Workshop W05 : Terahertz Technologies - from Devices to Diverse Systems and Applications, Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ⟨hal-00798871⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Alain Rolland, Goulc'Hen Loas, Alexandre Beck, Fabio Pavanello, et al.. Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal generation using a unitravelling carrier photodiode and a dual-mode laser. 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2012, Sep 2012, Wollongong, Australia. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2012.6380162⟩. ⟨hal-00803095⟩
  • Joachim Börner, Guillaume Pillet, Loïc Morvan, Daniel Dolfi, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Stability of signals generated with a dual-frequency laser and a UTC photodiode up to 700 GHz. 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2012, Sep 2012, Wollongong, Australia. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2012.6380084⟩. ⟨hal-00803100⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Laser bi-fréquences accordables pour la génération d'onde millimétrique et submillimétrique à haute cohérence.. Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012, Jun 2012, Lille, France. ⟨hal-00917912⟩
  • François Bondu, Gwennaël Danion, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. OSMOTUS : oscillateur millimétrique/submillimétrique à très haute pureté spectrale.. Journée annuelle du club Optique et Microondes : JCOM 2012, Jun 2012, Lille, France. ⟨hal-00917922⟩
  • Alain Rolland, Guillaume Ducournau, Goulc'Hen Loas, Emilien Peytavit, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal radiated by photomixing : coupling a unitravelling carrier photodiode and a two-axis dual-frequency laser. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012, Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 2012, San Jose, CA, United States. paper CTu1B.3, 1-2. ⟨hal-00803101⟩
  • J. Börner, Guillaume Pillet, Loïc Morvan, Daniel Dolfi, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Generation of low phase noise signals up to 1 THz with a dual frequency laser and a UTC photodiode. 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology, TST 2012, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-00798886⟩
  • Alain Rolland, Guillaume Ducournau, Goulc'Hen Loas, Alexandre Beck, Fabio Pavanello, et al.. Narrow linewidth tunable THz signal radiated by 1.55 µm photomixing. SPIE Optics + Photonics, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications III, 2012, San Diego, CA, United States. pp.84960C-1-7, ⟨10.1117/12.929738⟩. ⟨hal-00803097⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Stéphane Blin, Dominique Coquillat, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. UTC-PD Emitters and FET Based Receivers for Sub-THz Wireless Communication System. International TeraNano &GDRI Workshop Extended Abstract, 28P-05, Nov 2011, Tokyo, Japan. pp.28I-12. ⟨hal-00814911⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, Tahsin Akalin, Alexandre Beck, Denis Bacquet, et al.. Dual frequency Brillouin fiber laser and 1.55 µm photomixer for highly coherent THz wave generation. 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2011, Oct 2011, Houston, TX, United States. paper Tu2E.2, 1-2, ⟨10.1109/irmmw-THz.2011.6105047⟩. ⟨hal-00800484⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, Emilien Peytavit, P. Szriftgiser, et al.. Gbit/s wireless transmission at 200 GHz carrier using optoelectronic THz technologies. International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, OTST 2011, Mar 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, United States. ⟨hal-00807701⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Alexandre Beck, Tahsin Akalin, Emilien Peytavit, P. Szriftgiser, et al.. Gbit/s wireless transmission at 200 GHz carrier using optoelectronics THz technologies. 6èmes Journées Terahertz, 2011, La Grande-Motte, France. ⟨hal-00807700⟩
  • Jean-Francois Lampin, Alexandre Beck, Olivier Offranc, Emilien Peytavit, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. Optoelectronic THz signal generation and use in component characterisation. European Microwave Week Workshops and Short Courses, THz Technologies and Applications, Sep 2010, Paris, France. ⟨hal-00573655⟩
  • Sylwester Latkowski, Josué Parra-Cetina, Ramon Maldonado-Basilio, Pascal Landais, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. Narrowband terahertz signal generator based on dual-mode Fabry-Pérot semiconductor laser and uni-travelling carrier photodiode. 3rd EOS Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2010, Sep 2010, Paris, France. ⟨hal-00573664⟩
  • Jean-Francois Lampin, Guillaume Ducournau, Alexandre Beck, Damien Ducatteau, Emilien Peytavit, et al.. Radiation pattern measurements of an integrated TEM horn antenna. 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2010, Sep 2010, Rome, Italy. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2010.5612961⟩. ⟨hal-00549955⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Olivier Offranc, Mohammed Zaknoune, Emilien Peytavit, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. Investigaton on fabrication of GaAsSb/InP UTC-PD based photomixer operating at 1.55 µm wavelengths. 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009, Sep 2009, Busan, South Korea. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2009.5324658⟩. ⟨hal-00474427⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Karine Blary, Emilien Peytavit, Tahsin Akalin, Jean-Francois Lampin, et al.. Silicon substrate low-temperature-grown GaAs terahertz photomixers. 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009, Sep 2009, Busan, South Korea. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2009.5325684⟩. ⟨hal-00474428⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Alexandre Beck, Karine Blary, Emilien Peytavit, Mohammed Zaknoune, et al.. All-fiber continuous wave coherent homodyne terahertz spectrometer operating at 1.55 μm wavelengths. 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009, Sep 2009, Busan, South Korea. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2009.5325577⟩. ⟨hal-00474424⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Emilien Peytavit, Alexandre Beck, Olivier Offranc, Mohammed Zaknoune, et al.. Components for optoelectronic generation of CW THz waves. 5èmes Journées THz, 2009, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. ⟨hal-00574856⟩
  • Guillaume Ducournau, Alexandre Beck, Mohammed Zaknoune, Emilien Peytavit, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. High efficiency uni-travelling-carrier photomixer at 1.55 µm for CW-THz generation. EOS Annual Meeting 2008, Topical Meeting 2 : Terahertz - Science and Technology, Sep 2008, Paris, France. pp.1-2, CDROM. ⟨hal-00360486⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Mohammed Zaknoune, Emilien Peytavit, Tahsin Akalin, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. Terahertz photomixing in InP/InGaAs UTC-PD integrated with TEM horn antennas. Joint 33rd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 16th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, IRMMW-THz 2008, Sep 2008, Pasadena, CA, United States. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2008.4665592⟩. ⟨hal-00360484⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Jean-Francois Lampin, Mohammed Zaknoune, Emilien Peytavit, Tahsin Akalin, et al.. Picosecond pulse generation and photomixing with uni-travelling-carrier photodiode. Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, IRMMW-THz 2007, Sep 2007, Cardiff, United Kingdom. pp.200-201, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2007.4516459⟩. ⟨hal-00284104⟩
  • Jean-Francois Lampin, L. Desplanque, Tahsin Akalin, Emilien Peytavit, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Optoelectronic THz signal generation and use in component characterization. European Microwave Week, Workshop ‘From THz devices to systems : Design, Modeling, Processes and Characterization', 2007, Munich, Germany. ⟨hal-00286331⟩
  • Alexandre Beck, Jean-Francois Lampin, Mohammed Zaknoune, L. Desplanque, Francis Mollot. Sub-picosecond time-domain measurement of heterojunction bipolar transistors and photodiodes. Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, IRMMW-THz2006, Sep 2006, Shanghai, China. pp.510, ⟨10.1109/ICIMW.2006.368718⟩. ⟨hal-00243970⟩

Poster de conférence

  • Fei Fan, Soline Boyer-Richard, Alexandre Beck, Christophe Levallois, Karine Tavernier, et al.. III-V GaP solar cells on silicon. 12è Journées Nationales du PhotoVoltaïque (JNPV 2022), Nov 2022, Dourdan, France. ⟨hal-03968270⟩
  • Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, Alexandre Beck, C. Cornet, Yoan Léger. Dual wavelength vertical coupling for SHG in GaP microdisks. Journées Nanomatériaux de Rennes, Jan 2020, Rennes, France. 2020. ⟨hal-03032925⟩
  • Alejandro Lorenzo-Ruiz, Alexandre Beck, Charles Cornet, Yoan Léger. Dual wavelength vertical coupling for SHG in GaP microdisks. 39è Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019), Jul 2019, Palaiseau, France. ⟨hal-02293254v2⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Synthèse optique d'ondes hyperfréquences et millimétriques à très bas bruit de phase : résultats préliminaires. Optique Bretagne 2015, Jul 2015, RENNES, France. , 2015. ⟨hal-01491862v2⟩
  • Ronan Tremblay, Yong Huang, Jean-Philippe Gauthier, Rozenn Piron, Alexandre Beck, et al.. Electroluminescence de boites quantiques InGaAs/GaP et ingénérie de bande des couches d’injection laser AlGaP/GaP. Optique Bretagne 2015 - 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Jul 2015, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-01497243⟩
  • Jean-Philippe Gauthier, Cédric Robert Robert, Samy Almosni, Charles Cornet, Yoan Léger, et al.. Carrier injection in GaP-based laser waveguides and dilute nitrides gain medium. 18th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop (Euro-MBE 2015), Mar 2015, Canazei, Italy. 2015. ⟨hal-01147468⟩
  • Gwennaël Danion, François Bondu, Goulc'Hen Loas, Ludovic Frein, Cyril Hamel, et al.. Oscillateur micro-onde à térahertz ultra-stable. Journée Optique Micro-onde / Société Française d'Optique, Jun 2013, Palaiseau, France. ⟨hal-00926867⟩

Autres publications

  • Alexandre Beck. Réalisation et caractérisation de photodiodes à transport unipolaire pour la génération d'ondes térahertz. 2008. ⟨hal-00362111⟩

Pré-publications, Documents de travail

  • Alain Rolland, L. Pedesseau, Alexandre Beck, Mikael Kepenekian, Claudine Katan, et al.. Computational design of high performance hybrid perovskite on silicon tandem solar cells. 2016. ⟨hal-01275497⟩


  • Alexandre Beck. Réalisation et caractérisation de photodiodes à transport unipolaire pour la génération d'ondes térahertz. Micro et nanotechnologies/Microélectronique. Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2008. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00366728⟩

BECK Alexandre
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